Using Microsoft Azure DevTools for Teaching and VMWare Academic Program
Using Microsoft Azure DevTools for Teaching and VMWare Academic Program
Overerview of ADTT and VMAP
McCombs students and employees have access to software from Microsoft and VMWare through two specific academic programs that the Business School participates in. These programs are Microsoft Azure DevTools for Teaching (ADTT) and VMWare Academic program (VMAP)
- Microsoft DevTools for Teaching (formerly Imagine/DreamSpark) offers many Microsoft products. The most notable exceptions are the standard Microsoft Office applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), which need to be purchased from the Campus Computer Store.
- VMWare Academic Program VMAP is VMware's equivalent to ADTT. It offers virtualization software such as VMWare's Fusion and Workstation along with some eLearning courses in virtualization.
Obtaining Software from ADTT and VMAP
ADTT and VMAP function as webstores much like any other online software ordering site.
To log onto Microsoft Azure DevTools for Teaching:
- Go to https://azureforeducation.microsoft.com/devtools
- Click the sign-in link, and logon with your University Office 365 logon
- If you are a McCombs Employee, McCombs PhD Student or a student who has claimed an Office 365 Exchange mailbox provided by UT, then your logon is your office 365 Exchange email addess: ex: [yourfirstname].[yourlastname]@mccombs.utexas.edu or [youremailname]@austin.utexas.edu
- If you are any other kind of McCombs student without an Office 365 Exchange mailbox provided by UT, then your logon uses the format [your eid]@eid.austin.utexas.edu (ex: abc1234@eid.austin.utexas.edu)
- If you are a McCombs Employee, McCombs PhD Student or a student who has claimed an Office 365 Exchange mailbox provided by UT, then your logon is your office 365 Exchange email addess: ex: [yourfirstname].[yourlastname]@mccombs.utexas.edu or [youremailname]@austin.utexas.edu
To log onto VMWare Academic Program:
- To access this program, please follow the instructions at /wiki/spaces/MSBTech/pages/69828007.
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