Resources for TAs

This wiki includes resources for Signature Course TAs and Sanger Center SI Leaders. 

Managing a Discussion Section

TA Skills
9 fundamental skills you need to manage an effective discussion section:

  1. Planning
  2. Creating an environment for student learning
  3. Modeling
  4. Effective questioning
  5. Facilitating group discussion
  6. Establishing a partnership with faculty
  7. Creating tangible outcomes
  8. Promoting self-directed learning
  9. Assessing learning in the classroom

Translating research on learning to the classroom
7 research-based principles of learning and how to translate them to your discussion section

Maximizing the Library

There are so many resources available through UT libraries, especially for Signature Courses.  The librarians are here to help; contact yours with questions for your own research or to help your students. Need help crafting activities to build arguments, or finding and evaluating sources of evidence?  The library has you covered.

Small Group Activities
How to incorporate student work in pairs or small groups for better learning outcomes.

   Grading Writing

Minimal marking looks intensely at a small section of students' work, highlighting concerns that they can use to find and correct their full paper.  More resources here and here.

Developing Student Skills

Help your students develop skills in:


For Supplemental Instruction
For Signature Courses

Contact Us

More information about our programs: Sanger Learning Center