Yale University Library

I had a bit of email correspondence with Mary Caldera, Head of Arrangement and Description, Manuscripts and Archives at the Yale University Library.  For some reason they had shown up on the list of Artefactual users, but as I soon found out, they are charter members of ArchivesSpace, so I felt a little silly contacting them and asking about AtoM.  However, Mary was quite nice and helpful, and very much in support of ArchivesSpace.

She writes:

Several of Yale’s special collections repositories are using the Archivist Toolkit and we are currently in the process of migrating to and implementing ArchiveSpace across Yale special collections repositories (except the museums).  We chose ArchivesSpace because it is the successor to the Archivist’s Toolkit and we have strong ties to the development of both.
We plan to be in production by July. We are still in the early stages of our implementation. In addition to awaiting some additional development by ArchivesSpace, we have contracted with Hudson Molonglo to further develop the tool to meet our institutional needs. Some of the work will result in plug-ins, but we are working closely with ArchivesSpace to ensure any code that can be added to the source code is shared with AS.
The ArchivesSpace organization and community user base has been very active and helpful. There have been some kinks in roll out, which is to be expected. We do not have a lot experience with AS for general users as only committee members are testing at this time and they are pretty sophisticated users.  There are certainly issues with the tool that are still being worked out. Our early tests uncovered many bugs that we (and others) reported and initial performance issues that AS has helped us work through.  In short, this is a process but we have not encountered anything that indicates we will not adopt AS.
Very few institutions are in production with AS as far as I know, but there is a lot of useful info (questions and answers) on the ArchivesSpace forum at https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/archivesspace.  You can also find more information about our process and implementation on our ArchivesSpace@Yale blog at http://campuspress.yale.edu/yalearchivesspace/ and web site at http://guides.library.yale.edu/archivesspace.