COE Faculty Affairs Timeline
The dates for events on this page are approximate and reflect the timeframe in which annual events generally happen. For more specific date information, see COE Faculty Affairs Calendar. Note that dates and guidance are subject to change. Please pay careful attention to ongoing communications from campus and the college.
Sources for the information on this page include the following:
Jump to month:
Professional-track faculty contracts
Beginning of month: Monitor course cancellations and adjust contracts as needed:
Course scheduler runs low enrollment report for fall and sends to chair.
Chair cancels classes not meeting minimum enrollment requirements and informs Academic HR Partner.
Academic HR Partner makes any needed contract updates based on course cancellations.
Academic HR Partner uploads signed contracts to Workday and makes any corresponding changes needed to faculty SWH.
New faculty onboarding
August 1:
New tenured and tenure-track faculty:
COE Faculty Affairs processes relocation from Dean funds
Academic HR Partner processes housing trip from department funds
Mid-month: COE new faculty orientation - coordinated with university orientation date (usually the week before first class day)
August 16: COE Faculty Affairs updates fall-effective promotion titles in internal systems (SharePoint Lists, etc.)
COE tenured/tenure-track faculty recruitment workshops for chairs and Administrative Managers
Approvals for departmental governance updated as needed (every three years)
Beginning of month: Faculty Development Leave (FDL) and Faculty Development Award (FDA) application systems open
Mid-month: COE tenured/tenure-track faculty search committee orientation
Evaluation of faculty
October 1: Faculty Activity Reports (FAR) due
Beginning of month: Chair statements for Promotion & Tenure due to Dean's Office
CAC and leadership promotion & tenure review
Faculty awards
Beginning of month:
SRA applications due
COE FDL and FDA committees review applications
Spring semester planning
Spring course schedule is released
Professional-track faculty:
Academic HR Partner reviews course schedule and checks that assignments align with existing spring contracts uploaded to Workday
Note any faculty who will need a spring contract or who should be reactivated, inactivated, or terminated for spring
Academic HR Partner meets with chair to discuss and confirm spring faculty assignments
All faculty: Review course schedule against faculty workloads, and submit spring Course Buyout, Leave, and Instructional Overload requests as needed
Evaluation of faculty
Beginning of month: Promotion & Tenure CAC meetings
End of month:
Promotion & Tenure Dossiers due to EVPP
Promotion & Tenure Dean's Statements due
Professional-track faculty
Once course assignments are finalized, Academic HR Partner sends spring contracts to faculty teaching in spring who do not already have contracts
Consult the following:
RPT0976 Faculty Positions Missing Contracts
RPT0462 All Positions for Supervisory Organization
Course Schedule
Beginning of month: Dean statements for Promotion & Tenure due to EVPP
Mid-month: FDL and FDA awardees notified by Provost’s Office
Prior to winter holiday break: SRA notification letters distributed
NTT Mass Process for spring.
If COE does not have the required minimum numbers of transactions to use the mass processes, Academic HR Partner processes individual BPs.
Beginning of month (prior to January payroll deadline):
New tenured and tenure-track faculty starting January 1:
COE Faculty Affairs processes relocation from Dean funds
Academic HR Partner processes housing trip from department funds
Beginning/mid-month: Reminder to AMs of mid-probationary and comprehensive reviews from Dean's Office administrative staff
January 31 (or closest business day): SRA acceptance forms due
Mid-month: FDL and FDA recipient acceptance forms due to COE Faculty Affairs
End of month: Comprehensive periodic reviews of faculty due to Dean's Office
Memo with comprehensive period review summary sent to EVPP by Dean's Office administrative staff
SRA acceptance forms shared with recipients, Business Services, department chair
March 1: Dean's Distinguished Faculty Award nominations due to Dean's Office
Beginning of month: AMs and department chairs receive reminder from Dean's Office administrative staff to collect names of faculty due for review in upcoming academic year
End of month: List of upcoming academic year reviews sent to EVPP by Dean's Office administrative staff (mid-probationary, Promotion & Tenure, comprehensive periodic)
May 1: Dean's Fellows nominations due to Dean's Office
Beginning of month: COE Faculty Affairs sends faculty summer teaching policy to AMs and Department Chairs
May 16: First appointment date for 9-month faculty summer employment
Mid-probationary review status for each department and follow up from Dean's Office administrative staff
Dean's Distinguished Faculty Award finalists announced
Beginning of month: Dean’s Office submits requests to Provost’s Office for new and renewing fall chair and associate dean appointments
COE Faculty Affairs processes endowment allowances effective the following fiscal year
COE HR submits merit recommendations for the following fiscal year
Departments post open-rank professional track positions for the following academic year; closes current year’s open-rank postings
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