Creating a View

Meridian Vault Administrator 

  1. Open Configurator 
  2. Create a View in Configurator by selecting the Views icon and hitting "New Navigation View"
  3. On the General tab, name the View appropriately 
  4. On the Levels tab, select UTRRS then add Record Series as the second code. It will auto populate a second Level after selecting the first
  5. On the Property Filters tab, you can select properties you wish to filter by. Select the Property drop down and select the correct property. Then select the Condition (contains, equals, less than, etc.). Then either type in the Value or it will auto populate with a drop down of the selectable values. Hit "Add" to add more properties. 
  6. On the Columns tab, select the column properties and the display order that may best assist the user with reviewing and refreshing these records
  7. Select "Apply" then "Ok"
  8. After the collection has been created, Select Edit and then select the "Privileges" button on the bottom and select all the roles that can view the View in the vault
    1. Note: this button will not appear until after the View is created
  9. Close Configurator and open PowerUser to check that the view appeared and has the correct contentÂ