Required Electives

As required by teacher certification, you must complete the following three requirements prior to your final semester. These classes will appear on your degree audit in the "Electives" requirement. You cannot fulfill the "Electives" requirement of your degree with any courses of your choosing; you must complete the following courses below.

FYI, PSY 301 will complete your Core Curriculum Social Science requirement and count towards your Electives simultaneously.

The final three hours of your Electives requirement is fulfilled by EDC 351S which you take your final semester.

PSY 301 Intro to Psychology

Basic problems and principles of human experience and behavior.

No Prerequisite

SED 322C (formerly ALD 322) Individual Differences 

Introduction to individual differences among people through the life span. Examines areas of exceptionality within the context of typical development: current research trends; theoretical and legal considerations; and practice-related issues, including family involvement, cultural and linguistic diversity, and educational perspectives. Orientation to assistive technology.

Prerequisite: Three semester hours of coursework in psychology.


PSY 304  Intro to Child Psychology

General introduction to physical, social, and cognitive development from conception onward.

Prerequisite: Psychology 301 with a grade of at least C.

PSY 309  Personality

Research and theory concerning personality structure, dynamics, development, and assessment.

Prerequisite: Psychology 301 with a grade of at least C.

HDF 313/113L Child Development

Motor, language, cognitive, social, and emotional development in the family context.

Prerequisite: Credit or registration for Human Development and Family Sciences 113L, and Psychology 301 with grade of at least C-.

Be sure to register for the both the three hours and one hour class separately. If you take the equivalent course at community college, the additional hour is not required.

EDP 350G: Adolescent Development (be aware that few students will have the required pre-req to take this option)

Addresses contemporary adolescent development in relation to major transitions, contextual influences, and psychosocial tasks, with additional emphases on aspects of adolescent identity development. Application to education and teaching adolescents is stressed. 

Prerequisite: Upper-division standing; six semester hours of upper-division coursework in education or behavioral sciences.