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UT Staff Council Representatives attending the July 2019 retreat.

Quick resources - feel free to add links that you think representatives need to know!

Goals & Purposes of Staff Council (UTSC)

  • Serve as a representative advisory council and an advocate for staff

  • Provide a vehicle for communication of interests, concerns, and issues that affect staff

  • Maintain honest and transparent communications and recommendations to University leadership and our constituents

  • Provide nominations to University Standing Committees

  • Create a sense of community both within Staff Council and beyond

  • Remain accountable to ourselves and to our constituents by holding open meetings and publicizing our decisions

Other Resources

  • FAQs - Answers to common questions

  • Webcasts - Watch current or past UT Staff Council meetings

  • Best Practices - Guidelines & how-tos for reps, chairs, and officers

  • Archive - UTSC Accomplishments, Reports, Resolutions, and Meeting Minutes

Got feedback? Contact the Chairperson!