Compensation Procedures

  1. Who can be compensated?
    1. We are not allowed to provide compensation for international students within the Kinesiology department who also work for UT. Because we almost always provide compensation for research studies, this means that international students within the department who work for UT (i.e., international students who are TAs or GRAs) should not participate. 
    2. We are allowed to provide compensation for international students outside of the Kinesiology department who work for UT. We must notify these individuals that they should check with Texas GLOBAL to ensure that this will not jeopardize their VISA status prior to participation.
  2. How does compensation work?
    1. If the participant is an international student employee of UT, notify them that they should check with Texas GLOBAL about receiving research study compensation.
    2. Participants who work for UT or who have earned more than $600 from studies that year must complete the "Single Participant Compensation Form."
    3. Participants who do not work for UT may complete the "Multiple Participant Form" using their study ID and initials only. 
    4. Cash
      1. After participation is complete, calculate the amount of time the participant spent in the lab and multiply this by the compensation rate for your study. Then, go to the secure site for the cashbox and retrieve this amount of money from your study envelope. In the payment log for your study, write the subject ID, the amount of time the participant is being compensated for, the date, and the researcher's initials. 
      2. Give the cash to the participant. 
    5. Venmo
      1. Open the Venmo Cash App. The password and account name can be found on UT Stache.
      2. Find the participants profile.
      3. Send cash to participant
      4. Screen shot the payment receipt on yours and the participants phone. Have the participant send you the screenshot.
      5. Save screenshots to Lab Box Account
      6. Please follow these administrative rules: 

        "Participant study incentives can be distributed via venmo and/or paypal.  When a PI requests a cash advance, the funds are directly deposited into his/her personal checking account (that was set up for non-payroll deposits).  When using venmo and/or paypal to distribute cash advance funds to participants, the PI must obtain confirmation that the payment was sent and that it was received to include with the cash advance reconciliation documentation (along with the usual Summary Reconciliation Sheet and responses to the “>599.99/year” question)."

Please note that if a participant does not fully complete the study due to withdrawal or technical issues, you should still compensate them for the amount of time they spent in the lab.

Please be sure to keep the lab cashbox and any cash as secure as possible and to maintain complete records of participant payments.