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The Provost's Faculty Development Award program is intended to recognize excellence in the University’s professional-track faculty and provide resources to support their professional development. Application is open to all ranks of  of benefits-eligible professional-track faculty in the lecturer, instruction, practice, research, clinical faculty title series. It The award provides up to $10,000 to support up to two years of the professional development opportunities and activities of each awardee. The $10,000 award can go toward Funding can be used for summer salary, or can be split between summer salary and an operational account to be used by faculty member for purposes of research or professional development. Award funds can be used to support development opportunities across up to two academic years.

The number of FDAs to be awarded per year is limited, and faculty to receive FDAs will be selected through the process described on this page.

How can FDA funds be used?

The total budget cannot exceed $10,000. See UT FDA Guidelines 2024-25.pdf . section A.3 “Allowable Expenses for the FDA.”

Note: A budget summary is included in the required application document COE FDA Timing and Eligibility Checklist referenced in step 2 of the “Application process” instructions on this page.

When can FDA funds be used?

With department chair approval, FDA awardees applying in fall 2024 may begin their two-year period of FDA activities as early as the first summer after application (summer 2025), or as late as the second summer after application (summer 2026).

Example 1: FDA activities across a two-year period beginning at the earliest permitted start time (May 16, 2025) following application:

Academic Year 2024-25

Academic Year 2025-26

Academic Year 2026-27











FDA starts

FDA ends

Year 1

Year 2

Example 2: FDA activities across a two-year period beginning at the latest permitted start time (May 16, 2026) following application:

Academic Year 2024-25

Academic Year 2025-26

Academic Year 2026-27

Academic Year 2027-28














FDA starts

FDA ends

Year 1

Year 2

Timeline for application year 2024-25

(For FDAs effective )either a) Summer 2025-Spring 2027, or b) Summer 2026-Spring 2028

  • September 3-October 1: Application system open  

  • October 4: COE Faculty Affairs completes applicant eligibility review  

  • October 9-November 8: COE committee review of FDA applications  

  • November 9: Deadline for COE review committee to forward recommendations to Dean 

  • November 10-17: Dean review  

  • November 18: Dean sends FDA awardee recommendations to EVPP 

  • December 18: EVPP notifies awardees  

  • February 17: FDA recipients’ acceptance forms due to COE Faculty Affairs 


2024-25 guidelines will be posted August 1, 2024.

Faculty are encouraged to confirm their eligibility prior to applying.

To be eligible to apply for an FDA, a faculty member must be tenured at the time of application and must meet all of the following criteria:

  • Must have met or exceeded expectations in at least three of the most recent full academic years preceding their FDL application.

  • At the start of the UT-FDL, the faculty member must have already completed at least six full academic years employed as a full-time faculty member by UT Austin, with the six years including at least two full academic years of consecutive full-time service at UT Austin, and have received no other FDLs (or their predecessor, FRAs) during that six-year period.

  • The two full academic years of consecutive full-time service do not have to immediately precede the application nor award of FDL.

  • Leaves related to parental and paid sick time off policies do not interrupt the count of consecutive years

    Applicant is a professional-track faculty member (any rank) in the instruction, practice, clinical, research, or lecturer title series.

  • Has served as a benefits-eligible professional-track faculty member of at least 50% FTE at UT Austin in both the fall and spring terms during both 2022-23 and 2023-24.

  • Has met or exceeded expectations on their annual reviews in their two most recent years of benefits-eligible service preceding this FDA application (i.e. 2022-23 and 2023-24).

    • If applicant did not receive annual reviews in their two most recent years of benefits-eligible service, the department chair/immediate supervisor must contact EVPP Faculty Affairs to request an exception, and the exception must be approved.

  • Any previous FDA awarded to this applicant ended no later than summer 2023.

Additional information:
