Should you have any questions or require further clarification about this process, please do not hesitate to reach out to coecommunications@austin.utexas.edu directly.
Phase 2: After Position is Posted
Search committee chairs should plan a schedule that ensures the candidates will have broad exposure to departments where there might be a fit.
Job talks should be widely advertised across all departments.
Include departmental representation for dinners/slate of appointments.
Candidate should meet with department chairs representing potential affiliations and have conversations about what those potential affiliations might be.
Phase 3: After Campus Interviews with Finalists
How well and in what capacity do you know the candidate?
Can you give me an example of a time the candidate [demonstrated skill/aptitude at a required or preferred function of the job]?
What are the candidate's strengths and challenges?
For new scholars: What can you tell me about the candidate's potential for continued success as a scholar?
Phase 4: Before BC/EC meets
The Dean approves moving recommendation forward for BC/EC discussion and vote.
Phase 5: BC/EC meeting and following
Once approved by the Dean to proceed with the hire, the department chair should begin working with the department Administrative Manager and COE Faculty Affairs on the hiring process, including PAR, Offer Letter, and Hiring Tenured Faculty process if appropriate. Keep in mind that these processes can take a great deal of time and effort, and please plan accordingly.
After the conclusion of the search
For applicants interviewed but not selected for hire, the Search Committee Chair should send a more personalized email.
Interfolio for search committee members
See an additional option at Data Visualization of Interfolio Reports
Please send suggested additions to this page and notifications about broken links to COE-FacultyAffairs@austin.utexas.edu.