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The College of Education will provide cost matching assistance for funding agencies that require a mandatory cost match. In general, the College will not provide cost match funds that are voluntarily committed to enhance the project or to maximize project costs. 

Examples of Cost Matching in The College of Education:


The College may consider, in some circumstances, to provide the additional match needed in lieu of Center support. However, the indirect cost return of the awarded project will then be retained by the College until the additional match amount is recovered.

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Indirect Cost Return (IDC)


Please direct any questions about this policy to the Associate Dean for Research.

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Publication and Affiliation


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Research Expectations

All tenured/tenure-track faculty are expected to participate in active efforts. This activity will do much to further the professional stature of the faculty member, enhance the national and international reputation of the College, and improve the faculty member’s teaching effectiveness.


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Signature Delegation and Account Responsibility

A faculty member may delegate signature authority to an office manager for paper or electronic documents, but this does not relieve the faculty member of their fiscal responsibility and accountability for accounts under the faculty member’s control. All faculty are encouraged to develop adequate accounting systems that meet these requirements. Rules regarding the delegation of signature authority are found in HBP Part 1.3.2: Signature Authority.

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Start-Up Funds for Newly Developed Centers


  • Newly developed Centers should submit a written request via email to the Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies within the first six months of launching to request the one-time start-up funds ranging from $5,000 to $20,000.

  • Written requests must be accompanied by a three-year growth/entrepreneurial plan that includes existing grant funding, expected grant funding, expected grant submissions, and how start-up funds will be used.

  • Start-up funds will be available to the newly developed Center for a maximum period of three years. Funds not spent within three years will be swept by the College.

  • Funds can be used to cover infrastructure and operation costs, and incidentals, including but not limited to computer equipment, printers, copy machines, and business supplies, such as paper and pencils, etc.

  • Generally, funds cannot be used to fund personnel to staff the ORU.

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Use of Research Space

COE policy


Occasionally, new faculty hires conduct research that requires a commitment of space which cannot be accommodated by the current departmental allocation. Department chairs should involve the F&CM to determine space availability. Offer letters will not offer research space in perpetuity. In rare situations, offer letters can specify research space for an extended period of time, as long as the faculty member has an active research program. If space is reduced, faculty maintain the option to request more space once they have a funded grant.

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