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For University policies, see:

The policies on this page state the minimum workload expectations for full-time faculty in the College of Education (COE) and refers to workload during the fall and spring semesters. Note that teaching in the summer session does not count as part of the teaching workload minima discussed below. Each COE department is allowed a department-specific policy although these must be approved by the Dean and meet the core principles laid out in this College policy. The purpose of this policy is to ensure equity in workload across the College. This policy was adopted in fall semester, 2019.

The expected distribution of effort for tenure/tenure-track faculty is 40% research, 40% teaching, and 20% service. The expectations delineated for definitions of research productivity, teaching, graduate student advising, and service contributions must be transparently defined and annually assessed at the department and program level to help inform whether to adjust workload. In all cases, workload (teaching and service) expectations can be adjusted at the discretion of the department Chair and Dean for a limited period of time to address:

  • Excessive research and scholarly productivity and responsibilities;

  • Research commitments (e.g., FRA, Dean’s fellowship, or grant-funded course release);

  • Administrative and service responsibilities;

  • Recruitment or retention reasons;

  • Personal challenges (through official leaves); or

  • Other special temporary circumstances.

Such adjustments will be awarded under the expectation that faculty workload will return to normal College policy as soon as it is feasible. In addition, and as described in more detail below, tenured faculty members’ teaching and service workloads can be increased in scenarios where research productivity expectations are not met.

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Tenured and Tenure/Track Faculty


As described in more detail on this page, a reduction in one component of each T/TT faculty member’s workload can be compensated where appropriate by an increase in other component(s) at the discretion of the department Chair and Dean. This change in workload distribution can be decided as a result of annual merit review and under special professional or personal circumstances.

See additional information at HOP 2-2170: Faculty Workload and Reporting Requirements.

COE Workload Policies


College of Education expects the workload of tenured/tenure-track (T/TT) faculty to beresearch intensive and that T/TT faculty maintain excellence and consistency in their scholarly quality and productivity that is commensurate with or exceeds the expectations of faculty members’ ranks and disciplines. In addition to scholarly productivity, each T/TT faculty members is expected to teach two organized courses each long semester [for a total of 12 semester credit hours (SCHs) across the two long semesters] and to contribute to the supervision of a sufficient amount of graduate and undergraduate student work consistent with expectations of the faculty member’s rank, program and department. Each T/TT faculty member is also expected to provide appropriate levels of dedicated service to their program, department, College, institution and profession corresponding with expectations for the faculty member’s rank and role.

As described in more detail on this page, a reduction in one component of each T/TT faculty member’s workload can be compensated where appropriate by an increase in other component(s) at the discretion of the department Chair and Dean. This change in workload distribution can be decided as a result of annual merit review and under special professional or personal circumstances.

See additional information at HOP 2-2170: Faculty Workload and Reporting Requirements.

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Table of Contents

COE workload expectations

The policies on this page state the minimum workload expectations for full-time faculty in the College of Education (COE) and refers to workload during the fall and spring semesters. Note that teaching in the summer session does not count as part of the teaching workload minima discussed below. Each COE department is allowed a department-specific policy although these must be approved by the Dean and meet the core principles laid out in this College policy. The purpose of this policy is to ensure equity in workload across the College. This policy was adopted in fall semester, 2019.

The expected distribution of effort for tenure/tenure-track faculty is 40% research, 40% teaching, and 20% service. The expectations delineated for definitions of research productivity, teaching, graduate student advising, and service contributions must be transparently defined and annually assessed at the department and program level to help inform whether to adjust workload. In all cases, workload (teaching and service) expectations can be adjusted at the discretion of the department Chair and Dean for a limited period of time to address:

  • Excessive research and scholarly productivity and responsibilities;

  • Research commitments (e.g., FRA, Dean’s fellowship, or grant-funded course release);

  • Administrative and service responsibilities;

  • Recruitment or retention reasons;

  • Personal challenges (through official leaves); or

  • Other special temporary circumstances.

Such adjustments will be awarded under the expectation that faculty workload will return to normal College policy as soon as it is feasible. In addition, and as described in more detail below, tenured faculty members’ teaching and service workloads can be increased in scenarios where research productivity expectations are not met.

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Research workload policy

The University of Texas at Austin (UT) is a top research university and its institutional goals include a focus on both research and creativity as well as enhancing student success. This is reflected in the expectations that we hold for tenured/tenure-track faculty’s research and creativity. See additional information at COE: Research-Related Policies > Research expectations.


If a tenured faculty member’s research productivity does not meet expectations, then it is expected that teaching and service workload will be increased to ensure equity in workload across COE faculty. The increased workload in teaching and/or service will remain at this increased level until the tenured faculty member’s research productivity meets expectations. Note that each department must establish clear criteria and an assessment plan (including timeline) for what is expected for a faculty member’s research to meet expectations and these criteria can look different by rank. Options to compensate for reduced research productivity can include, for example, teaching up to two additional organized courses in an academic year. The process and timeline for evaluation and potential re-distribution of workload due to insufficient research productivity is described below in the section entitled Workload Re-distribution Assessment.

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Teaching workload policy

Organized Courses

Each T/TT faculty member is expected to teach two organized courses each long semester [for a total of at least 12 semester credit hours (SCHs) across the two long semesters]. To maintain robust enrollment in College of Education courses, the minimum enrollment for an organized undergraduate course is 20 students, and the minimum enrollment for an organized graduate course is 10 students for each of the two long semesters. However, in collaboration with the Dean, Department Chairs can use discretion to allow offering of organized courses that fall below these College minima but that still satisfy the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board enrollment requirements.


At the discretion of the department chair, team teaching can count as one of the organized courses for each co-instructor if the class enrollment is twice the minimum enrollment required by the College of Education.

Newly-promoted tenured faculty

In recognition of the additional service responsibilities that come with promotion, the college will make available up to one course release to be used in the first two years following promotion for newly promoted faculty (once after promotion to the rank of associate professor and once after promotion to the rank of professor), at the discretion of the department chair. 


T/TT faculty with joint appointments must work with their department chairs to coordinate and clarify workload policies (including organized course workload, cost of course release, etc.) across departments.

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Service workload policy

All T/TT faculty are expected to participate in department, college, university and national service at a level at least commensurate with rank-specific norms. This includes serving as a member and/or chairperson of administrative committees as well as participating (not just attending) standard meetings and events (e.g., program, department and Graduate Studies Committee meetings, commencement ceremonies, etc.).


See additional information at COE: Service-Related Policies > Service expectations.

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Process for workload redistribution - COE Workload Policy

Workload redistribution is intended to ensure equity in tenured faculty workload and will involve assigning additional teaching and/or service workload to compensate for workload either in research and/or service areas. Teaching workload is not a consideration because the workload is monitored by the department chair every semester for each faculty member.

Workload redistribution assessment and plan

Each associate professor who is not going forward for promotion to the rank of professor and each full professor undergoes a comprehensive periodic review after every six-year period since promotion. During this comprehensive periodic review, the research, teaching and service portfolio of the tenured faculty member will be assessed by the relevant department’s budget council or executive committee. If it is determined that the tenured faculty member has exhibited insufficient research productivity and/or service contributions, then in consultation with the Dean, a workload re-distribution schedule and plan will be put in place. This will begin with a performance improvement plan, which may include the assignment of a mentor or advisory committee. If improvement has not been demonstrated within three years, a workload re-distribution plan will be put into place to coincide with the next academic semester. Once the research productivity and service contributions meet standards for norms of the faculty member’s rank, their workload re-distribution will revert to the more typical research-intensive tenured faculty member’s workload. Inadequate contributions to the enhancement of student success (through advising of students) will also result in remediation and possible workload redistribution plans.


Extensions to deadlines due to re-distributing a tenured faculty member’s workload can be offered, at the discretion of the department chair and with the approval of the Dean, for mitigating circumstances. Circumstances that might support a faculty member receiving an extension include exceptional service workload without additional workload release (e.g., serving as a graduate advisor, or associate chair). Appeals to changes in workload designation from research intensive to re-distributed will be reviewed by a faculty committee led by the Dean.

Workload redistribution options

Given insufficient research productivity and/or service and/or student advising contributions, a typical workload re-distribution can entail an increase in teaching load from a 2-2 to up to 3-3 organized course load for the fall and spring long semesters. Service load increases offer another workload re-distribution option. Note that an increase in teaching workload is not considered to be punishment. Workload re-distribution is instead designed to ensure that workload is equitable across tenured faculty. Thus, workload re-distribution should not be used to exclude individuals from research and teaching opportunities nor consideration for awards and merit if a faculty member’s performance in several areas (research, teaching and service) are exceptional.   

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Department Chairs must clarify workload expectations for a T/TT faculty member awarded a leave (e.g., FMLA, Modified Instructional Duties, FRA, and Dean’s Fellowships). The different kinds of workload and thus performance expectations differ as a function of the kind of leave. For additional information, see EVPP: Leave & Related Policies.


  • Grant-funded course releases. If a faculty member receives a grant-funded course release, then only the workload for the organized course is replaced by the effort expended on the grant’s research. The remainder of the faculty member’s research, service, and teaching workload remains unchanged. See COE: Release Time (aka Course Buyout) for additional information.

  • Other research leaves. Tenured/tenure-track faculty members awarded other research leaves should work with their Department Chairs and the Dean to determine the relevant workload (and associated performance) expectations.

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T/TT Faculty on Phased Retirement - COE Workload Policy


See additional information at COE: Phased Retirement.

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