Time | Item | Who | Notes |
5 Mins | Introduction | Frank Li | |
2 5 Mins | New Members + Life updates | Frank Li | New members: Changxu - Emech Kaden - Emech Watts - Power Gen
15 Mins | Power Systems Retrospective | Frank Li | |
15 Mins | Future Projects | Everyone | A lot of effort will go into redesigning current Power Systems boards and architecture. Next cycle will also usher in a couple new projects. Increased focus on R&D. Work will be distributed between redesigning (for next year’s comp) and more long-term R&D.
5 Mins | Recruiting + Onboarding | Everyone | Will need probably two people to assist with recruiting. How many people should we recruit? Onboarding will consist of a few lectures that provide a high level overview of Power Systems and starter projects (TBD).
5 Mins | Conclusion | | Start thinking about projects you would like to work on. You can let me know during the week but assignments should be roughly finalized by the end of next meeting. If you have any other project ideas, feel free to put it in the Power Systems slack and we can discuss it next week.