Contact Texas Contact Texas Global - International Student and Scholar Services with any questions.
Additional advertising options
Departments may wish to share their job postings more widely. Additional advertising options are listed below. Note that some services require a fee.
Faculty Search Promotion and Social Media Toolkit
In collaboration with the COE Marketing and Communications (
Social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
Professional networks
American Educational Research Association (AERA) Jobs
Advertising with the COE Office of Marketing and Communications
The COE Marketing and Communications (MarCom) team is available to assist with advertising faculty searches through social media (both paid and/or organic). If you'd like to amplify your open faculty position(s), please contact coecommunications@austin.utexas.edu. Please include "Faculty Search" in the subject line of the email, and include the following:
Interfolio job posting and/or detailed position description highlighting the responsibilities, qualifications, and expectations for the role.
Specifics for department or position: If there are any specific details about the department, position or other relevant information that should be included in the posting, please ensure you provide these details in your initial email.
Collaboration and review: MarCom will collaborate with you to create an engaging and informative social posts that accurately represents the faculty position and our college’s values.
Marketing Channels: Once the posting(s) is finalized, the MarCom team will manage the dissemination of the job posting through LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook or other social channel, ensuring maximum visibility and reach.
This process aims to streamline and enhance our faculty recruitment efforts, ensuring that we attract the most qualified and motivated candidates to join our department.
Should you have any questions or require further clarification about this process, please do not hesitate to reach out to coecommunications@austin.utexas.edu directly.MarCom) team, all faculty have access to the COE Faculty Search Social Media toolkit to help promote COE’s open tenure/tenured track positions. This toolkit provides you with ready-to-use social media images, suggested captions, and easy-to-follow guides to help you share these opportunities organically on Instagram, Facebook, X, and LinkedIn.
Why this matters: By using these branded visuals and content, we strengthen our collective voice and reinforce our community’s goals. Your participation is key in amplifying our faculty searches and showcasing the collaborative spirit that defines our brand.
Additional advertising options
Departments may wish to share their job postings more widely. Additional advertising options are listed below. Note that some services require a fee.
Professional networks
Phase 2: After Position is Posted
Search committee chair seeks ongoing consultation with Senior Associate Dean regarding applicant pool and recruitment efforts.
Search committee narrows the pool of candidates for Zoom interviews, or equivalent.
Training on evaluating applications in Interfolio is available at Interfolio: Evaluating Applications.
Optional for committee use, and can be adapted as needed, "Sample Candidate Evaluation Tool - faculty searches." File path: Box > COE-HR-All Departments Faculty Recruiting YY-YZ > Sample Candidate Evaluation Tool - faculty searches.
Search committee conducts video interviews with semifinalists.
Search committee narrows the semifinalist list to two or three potential on-campus interview candidates.
If any of the finalists are non-U.S. citizens, the department should schedule a meeting for the candidate with Texas Global - International Student and Scholar Services during their on-campus visit. See more at COE: International Hiring.
Search committee chair and department chair meet with the Dean and Senior Associate Dean for review. Dean reviews on-campus interview list for approval.
If approved by the Dean, candidate interviews are scheduled through the hiring department. On-campus schedules are created, including both an interview with the Dean, and a meeting with the Associate Deans. The Associate Deans will block time for this purpose.
Job talks are advertised by the department broadly across all COE departments.
Additional steps for College-Wide hires
Evaluations are collected by the search committee from faculty and students: evaluation forms, written or verbal feedback to committee members, search chair, department chair; or any other evaluative information.
Search committee deliberates and makes a hiring recommendation. Based on their review, they may recommend: (a) one candidate, (b) more than one candidate (rank-ordered), or (c) no candidate.
Search committee chair writes Hire Recommendation Summary Report and submits to the department chair. The report should include the following information:
Panel | ||
| ||
Hire Recommendation Summary ReportSummary report includes: A. Search committee’s and department chair’s/chairs' (independent) assessment of each finalist’s strengths and weaknesses, including:
B. Summary of faculty and student feedback for each candidate including more specifically:
C. Final hiring recommendation of the search committee which must include a rationale for the decision and can include the recommendation to hire:
College-Wide hires: Recommendations from the search committee also includes identification of possible departmental affiliations and reference checks. It is expected that a college-wide search would identify potential affiliations with more than one department. |
Department chair reviews the Hire Recommendation Summary Report.
Search committee members should perform reference checks of each finalist, asking the same questions to each reference about each candidate.
Example reference check questions
The department chair receives Hire Recommendation Summary Report from the search committee chair.
Department chair emails Hire Recommendation Summary Report to the Dean and Senior Associate Dean.
Optional: Department chair schedules a meeting with the Dean. The Hiring Recommendation Summary Report must be sent at least three business days in advance of meeting.
The Dean approves moving recommendation forward for BC/EC discussion and vote.
Phase 5: BC/EC meeting and following