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Cfm tabs page
tabsPageTitleStep 1: Identification and Notification of Faculty Reviewees

Step One: Identification and Notification of Faculty Reviewees

All Completed by March 31.

This step involves figuring out which faculty will undergo a CPR in the upcoming year. The process may be fairly simple, depending on the department and the previous experience of the staff member gathering the list, but the details included here are for the benefit of anyone starting from scratch or who might want to better understand how such lists are compiled.


A. Determine who is due for review in the upcoming year.

B. Notify faculty of upcoming review.

General Note: Each academic department is expected to maintain their faculty records and to establish and maintain a method of internally tracking faculty reviews and their requirements. The Dean’s Office also tracks required faculty reviews for COLA faculty, but the number of faculty, departments, and variables involved necessitate that this function be shared at multiple levels to ensure accuracy.

  • When: Each AY, before March.

  • What: Department needs to determine whether any of their faculty will need to undergo a CPR in the upcoming AY.

  • How: If not already in possession of a verified, up-to-date schedule of mandatory faculty reviews, create such a schedule by applying the below series of questions to each department faculty member’s situation.

  • Also: COLA HR will reach out to all departments around early March of each year to solicit and confirm the major faculty reviews, including CPRs, scheduled for the upcoming AY, so you will need to be prepared to furnish that information.

  • Why: Because faculty undergoing CPR are entitled to “reasonable notice of intent to review…no less six months before the start of the CPR” (sec.5.a.i.), reviewees ought to be notified on or before March 31 prior to the AY of review.

A. Determine who is due for review.

If the department does not already have a reliable set of records of their tenured and tenure-track review schedules:

titleHow to Determine CPR Timing

Some additional considerations, once you have your tentative list:

Q: What about endowment appointments?

A: The current process for an initial appointment as the holder of an endowment in our college does not meet the criteria of a “full review” that would reset the CPR schedule.  Endowment renewals are incorporated into the CPR process.

Q: What if the faculty member will be on an approved leave in the AY they are scheduled for CPR?

A: Depends on the answers to these questions:

  1. Is the leave for research?

    1. Yes: does not affect the schedule. CPR should proceed as planned.

    2. No: (next)

  2. Is this “approved personal leave without pay (part-time or full-time) for medical reasons during the time when the CPR is being conducted”?

    1. Yes: The department chair should send COLA a request for deferral (see Step 2.5) of the faculty member’s CPR to the following AY, once the LWOP (full or part time) has been approved (See LWOP wiki). Once the deferral request is approved by EVPP, the faculty member can be notified of the CPR’s deferral to the following AY. (If the chair is the one needing deferral, department should reach out to COLA.)

    2. No: (next)

  3. Is the faculty member continuously using sick leave (part-time or full-time) for at least one full long academic term of the year the CPR is scheduled?

    1. Yes: The department chair should send COLA a request for deferral (see Step 2.5) of the faculty member’s CPR to the following AY. The department is also responsible for ensuring the faculty member’s sick time off and/or FMLA hours are recorded in WD (see Faculty Sick Leave wiki). Once the deferral request is approved by EVPP, the faculty member can be notified of the CPR’s deferral to the following AY. (If the chair is the one needing deferral, department should reach out to COLA.

    2. No: It sounds like the scenario will not impact the schedule for the CPR. If in doubt, check with COLA HR.

Once you have established the faculty review timing and your department’s CPRs have been mapped out, we want to focus on the faculty for whom CPRs are due in the upcoming AY, which leads to

B. Notification:

As mentioned in the introduction, departments are responsible for sending written notifications to faculty due for CPRs on or before March 31 prior to the AY in which they will be reviewed.

  • Ex.  CPR due in AY24-25: Faculty notification expected to occur on or before March 31, 2024.

Cfm tabs page
tabsPageTitleStep 2: Determining Who Will Conduct the Review

Step 2: Determining Who Will Conduct the Review

This “step” is more of a series of related checks to help determine both 1) Who will conduct the review, and 2) Which procedures will apply to the review, based on the faculty member’s university appointment(s).


A. Identify who will oversee the review:

  1. Admin or Not-Admin

  2. Joint Appointments

B. Evaluation committees

C. Path of Review

A. Who Will Oversee Review:

A closer look at the “Who” of the review will help determine the “How” of the review.

In general, CPRs will be conducted within a faculty member’s department and involve the department chair. Beginning in 24-25, the CPR will route from the department to the dean’s level for review and final ratings. However, there are two other factors that would vary review procedures: Admin roles and joint faculty appointments.

Cfm tabs page
tabsPageTitleStep 2.5: What about Deferrals?
