Department/Search Committee Chairs should ensure that all candidates within each search are treated the same. For example, if interviews are conducted virtually, all interviews in that round should be conducted virtually, or if delays arise in the interview schedule, all interviews should be postponed to fall within the same timeframe. Per HR guidance, virtual interviews should not be recorded, unless all candidates are asked in advance of the interview and each is given the option to opt out of recording.
Info |
Search committee chair seeks ongoing consultation with Senior Associate Dean regarding applicant pool and recruitment efforts.
Search committee narrows the pool of candidates for Zoom interviews, or equivalent.
Training on evaluating applications in Interfolio is available at Interfolio: Evaluating Applications.
Search committee
may wish to use a selection matrix. See COE: Evaluating Candidates in Faculty Searches > Selection Matrix.
Training on evaluating applications in Interfolio is available at Interfolio: Evaluating Applications.
Search committee conducts video interviews with semifinalists.
Search committee narrows the semifinalist list to two or three potential on-campus interview candidates.
If any of the finalists are non-U.S. citizens, the department should schedule a meeting for the candidate with Texas Global - International Student and Scholar Services during their on-campus visit. See more at COE: International Hiring.
Search committee chair writes On-Campus Interview Request Memo. Note that some items included in the On-Campus Interview Memo will also be used in the Appointment Process Summary for the PAR, the hiring documentation processed by the department Administrative Manager.
Department chair reviews the Hire Recommendation Summary Report.
Search committee members should perform reference checks of each finalist, asking the same questions to each reference about each candidate.
See HR: Check References for guidance.
For example reference check questions
How well and in what capacity do you know the candidate?
Can you give me an example of a time the candidate [demonstrated skill/aptitude at a required or preferred function of the job]?
What are the candidate's strengths and challenges?
Phase 4: Before BC/EC meets