face sheet changes direction: core subject to flatwise tension/compression
tension: adhesive bond must be strong enough
compression: crushing strength must be enough
normal shear force at maximum at fastener centerline
ramp region: core must have adequate shear strength
Fabrication of Sandwich Structures
Face Sheets
co-curing face sheets
result of co-curing
thin face sheets and large celled honeycomb cores
mechanical properties of a co-cured face sheet may be lower (because of reasons like dimpling, waviness)
can test properties by co-curing face sheets with core, machining away core, and testing face sheets to determine their properties after co-curing
permeability of face sheets can be an issue (interconnecting network of voids, porosity, microcracks, etc. that give inside access to environment)
damage, weight increase, higher susceptibility to impact damage
films like Tedlar or Mylar can be used during lay-up to eliminate permeability - cause other servicing issues
adhesive must flow a little into cells to form fillets, but must not be too much
evaluating bonding
test similar but higher density core to stress adhesive and find deficiencies
testing alternative materials with less contact area - higher stress for evaluation
film adhesives
bonding face sheet to core
loosely woven polyester, glass, or nylon mesh for handling (called scrim/carrier)
if carrier is on the surface of the film, it must face the core
paper side to face sheet
can come in unsupported form
extremely lightweight
Surfacing and Sealing
used for issues with composite face sheets
similar to film adhesives but with less density, better surface appearance, sandability
cured with prepreg, may reduce core crush
already cured parts
resin wash - low viscosity resin, can smooth surface and seal pinholes
can be used to prepare for paint - increases weight
warm part to better draw resin into discontinuities
handle with care: infrequently, with gloves, prevent contaminationl/twisting
metallic honeycomb - spray/immersion in solvent, wipe with solvent
metal honeycomb
brake or rolls
protect from direct contact using a thin sheet
nonmetallic core
heat forming - if core is flexible to not be damaged by the process
higher density core must be thinner
locally changing core for different properties
can be done prior to bonding or during
insert is cut larger than the hole for a snug fit, good practice to match ribbon direction
criteria for honeycomb edge
reinforcing sections of core for fasteners
light loads - foaming adhesives, higher density core
heavier loads
synthetic foam - lightweight
epoxy with chopped fibers
solid laminates or metal inserts
core may be removed from areas to be potted - make sure core nearby is not distorted
clean core prior to potting, potting compound should be room temp
apply potting compound using injection gun, spatula, trowel - protect nearby core
clean sheet of thin aluminum with a cutout for potting region
if co-curing - make sure curing cycles are compatible
Core Stabilization for Machining
polyethylene glycol solutions, vacuum chucks, ice