Versions Compared


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Notes, decisions and action items

Stephanie Grasso Maria Quinones Vieta Rylee Manning

Methods Section

  • Target journal: AJSLP

    • AJSLP journal guidelines are in Box folder

  • Organize the Methods section similar to the Scoping review and the ANCDS review

Criteria Section

  • Create a table with search terms (similar to the one in Scoping Review)

    • Use Excel to create the tables; use different tabs in the spreadsheet for each table

Data Items Section

  • Reference the ANCDS review and only briefly summarize the main items that were rated. Mention that it is already published and open access. Then, include describe the items that were rated for our review in more detail.

Results Section

  • Report general features of the studies and our newly extracted info


  •  Rylee Manning will finish double-checking her ratings for papers 146-149.
  •  Once all data for the ratings are included in the spreadsheet, Maria Quinones Vieta and Rylee Manning can check final reliability scores for all reviewers
  •  Rylee Manning and Maria Quinones Vietawill establish mutual consensus for papers where reviewers showed discrepancy for Explicit vs. Implied Criteria 
  •  Next week, Stephanie Grasso Maria Quinones Vieta Rylee Manning will look at examples of papers with ambiguity regarding eligibility criteria (i.e. whether it was implied or explicit) and decide on tie-breakers for these instances
    •  If we see a pattern wherein differences in ratings between implicit and implied criteria cannot be clearly attributed to specific raters, we will need to re-review the explicit vs. implied criteria for all studies since this is a central component of our study
    •  Examples of what we consider explicit is they state that the features are part of their inclusion/exclusion criteria OR they are discussing their inclusion/exclusion criteria preceding or following the description of these features
      •  e.g., Participants were monolingual English speakers. In addition, other inclusion criteria were…
      •  e.g., Inclusion criteria including the absence of another neurological condition. Participants were also all monolingual English speakers.
      •  Implied: All participants were monolingual, right handed, below 80 years of age.

Rylee Manning Maria Quinones Vieta Stephanie Grasso

  • Rylee created a rough draft of some tables to include in the manuscript

    • Marifer to verify search terms, Dr. Grasso to review as well

  • Discrepancies & Reliability

  • Preliminary results to be included with ICAA poster

  • Reference Abstract and Manuscript draft

  • Use KC & GY’s poster as a guide

  •  Maria Quinones Vieta will compile data from individual reviewers into one sheet and add a column for Rater Number
  • We identified the problem of redundancy from our initial consensus review

    • Compile reviews into one sheet.
      in that sheet, identify the double ratings and delete the redundancy.

    • Copy that sheet and delete the double ratings.

Rylee Manning Stephanie Grasso

Preparing the spreadsheet without Double Ratings for data analysis (to present preliminary findings at ICAA)

  • Dr. Grasso edited the No Double Ratings spreadsheet

  • Rylee Manning will delete red papers (i.e., excluded papers indicated in red in the Master Table sheet) from the spreadsheet without double ratings

    • then, Rylee will insert data for the following variables in the papers that do not already have it in the sheet:

      • Number of Participants

      • Age

      • Years Post-Onset

Rylee Manning Maria Quinones Vieta

ICAA Poster

  • Dr. Grasso created the figures for Number_Participants, Languages_Spoken, and figure by Country

    • figure for Race_Ethnicity to be ready on Sunday 9/22

  • Rylee updated Languages_Spoken to indicate the number of studies (n=149)

    • also inserted white text box to cover “final adjustments” in figure by Country

  • Rylee and Marifer made additional poster edits

    • formatting and captions

    • Rylee will discuss with Dr. Grasso on Monday 9/23 before sending the poster to the printer