Versions Compared


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At different points along the process, the procedures differ depending whether or not the reviewee holds, or has held, an administrative appointment for at least one academic year during the period of CPR evaluation. (See Definitions)

Some examples of how this could play out, based on the Guidelines:


These are just a few examples, but essentially, you’ll want to check the reviewee’s appointments (faculty jobs in WD) during the review period for the CPR and make sure to identify any Admin roles; i.e., A&P positions held, though not including “Faculty Associate” or “Program Director (Academic).” (See Definitions)

  • Note: The reviewee also should help identify any relevant Admin appointments.


  1. Look at the reviewee’s appointments during the period under review for the CPR;

    1. If they have or have had an A&P appointment of at least 1 AY (two consecutive long semesters) during the review period meeting the Admin definition, you will need to follow Admin (or Former Admin) procedures.

    2. If they have not had a qualifying Admin appointment, they will follow Not Admin procedures.

  2. For any Admins or Former Admins identified, you will need to figure out who their Admin Supervisor(s) were during the time of their appointment;

    1. The Guidelines explain what to do if the Admin Supervisor has changed since the Admin appointment. (see 5.b.2.ii.)

A.2: Joint Appointments

(See Definitions)

Similar to the Admin check, but not the same.



Initial Review

Chair or Admin Supervisor Review

Dean’s Review (if applicable)

  1. Not-Admin, Single Department

Initial Review:

  1. BC/EC or similar department-level tenured evaluation committee (min. 3 Fulls)

    1. Produces report; (see Step 4 tab for report details); 

    2. Assigns initial overall rating and area ratings;

    3. Sends to reviewee for comment;

  2. Reviewee reads report. May

    1. request to meet with committee; and/or

    2. provide additional materials or information; and/or

    3. offer a written response that accompanies report; or

    4. notify committee they have no comments to add.

  3. After reviewee step, committee adjusts report as needed and then sends to Chair.

Chair’s Review:

  1. Department Chair reads report (& reviewee input, if applicable):

    1. If does not agree with report and/or ratings, writes a separate statement that includes alternate rating(s) and “clearly articulates the basis for disagreement.”

    2. If does agree with report and ratings, may provide an additional statement (optional);

  2. Chair sends results to reviewee and—via their department manager—to COLA HR for Dean’s Review.

    1. Department manager should complete the top part and first two columns (“Department” and “Chair”) of the COLA CPR Summary Form and include it as the cover page of CPR packet. (See Step 5 tab for submission details.)

Dean’s Review:

  1. COLA Dean reads report & any accompanying statements; 

  2. (Optional) If deems it necessary, can request an Additional Intensive Review (AIR); (see Step 5.5 tab for details)

  3. Determines final overall rating and area ratings; communicates these in writing to reviewee (cc: Chair).

    1. COLA HR will update Summary Form as part of finalizing the CPR.

    2. If reviewee provides written response, after dean’s review, that will be added to the record of review.

  4. Reports results to Provost’s Office

  1. Not-Admin, Joint Appointment

  • If Primary and/or both departments are in COLA, follow this process.

  • If Primary department is in another College or School, follow their procedures.

  • Note: If reviewee’s primary faculty appointment is outside of COLA, then Dean’s Review will occur outside of COLA, and we will be notified of the result.

Initial Review:

  1. Tenured faculty evaluation committee (min. 3 Fulls, representing both departments);

    1. Produces report; (see Step 4 tab for report details); 

    2. Assigns initial overall rating and area ratings;

    3. Sends to reviewee for comment;

  2. Reviewee reads report. May

    1. request to meet with committee; and/or

    2. provide additional materials or information; and/or

    3. offer a written response that accompanies report; or

    4. notify committee they have no comments to add.

  3. After reviewee step, committee adjusts report as needed and then sends to Chairs.

Chair’s Review: Note: Chairs have the option to determine rating jointly or to allow one or other to serve in Chair role.

  1. Department Chair(s) read(s) report (& reviewee input, if applicable):

    1. If does not agree with report and/or ratings, writes a separate statement that includes alternate rating(s) and “clearly articulates the basis for disagreement.”

    2. If does agree with report and ratings, may provide an additional statement (optional);

  2. Chair(s) send(s) results to reviewee and—via their department managers—to COLA HR for Dean’s Review.

    1. Only one department manager should complete the top part and first two columns (“Department” and “Chair”) of the COLA CPR Summary Form and include it as the cover page of CPR packet. (See Step 5 tab for submission details.) But both departments should have all of the documents for their records.

Dean’s Review:

  1. COLA Dean reads report & any accompanying statements; 

  2. (Optional) If deems it necessary, can request an Additional Intensive Review (AIR); (see Step 5.5 tab for details)

  3. Determines final overall rating and area ratings; communicates these in writing to reviewee (cc: Chairs, & Dean of Joint CSU, if applicable).

    1. COLA HR will update Summary Form as part of finalizing the CPR.

    2. If reviewee provides written response, after dean’s review, that will be added to the record of review.

  4. Reports results to Provost’s Office

  1. Admin, Single or Joint Appointment

  • Full-time or part-time Admins (as described in section B “Evaluation Committees”) determine how the committees are formed. This review path applies to full-time Admins, as well as part-time Admins where it is decided the review should occur outside of (but in collaboration with) the department(s).

  • If Joint, refer to the “Not-Admin, Joint” section above, re: more than one CSU.

Initial Review:

  1. Tenured faculty evaluation committee (min. 3 Fulls, including at least one other direct report to Admin Supervisor and at least one representative from reviewee’s academic department(s).)

    1. Produces report; (see Step 4 tab for report details); 

    2. Assigns initial overall rating and area ratings;

    3. Sends to reviewee for comment;

  2. Reviewee reads report. May

    1. request to meet with committee; and/or

    2. provide additional materials or information; and/or

    3. offer a written response that accompanies report; or

    4. notify committee they have no comments to add.

  3. After reviewee step, committee adjusts report as needed and then sends to Admin Supervisor.

Admin Supervisor’s Review: In nearly all cases, the Admin Supervisor will provide the supervisor (and final) level of review. [If for some reason Admin Supervisor determines review via Chair(s) would be more appropriate, then proceed as in Not-Admin Chair and Dean steps.]

  1. The Admin Supervisor reads initial committee report (& reviewee input, if applicable):

  2. (Optional) If deems it necessary, can request an Additional Intensive Review (AIR); (see Step 5.5 tab for details)

  3. Determines final overall rating and area ratings; communicates these in writing to reviewee (cc: Chair(s), and Dean(s), if Admin Supervisor is not part of COLA, or if reviewee is Joint in another CSU.).

    1. COLA HR will take care of creating and finalizing the COLA CPR Summary Form for the review.

    2. If reviewee provides written response, after Admin Supervisor’s review, that will be added to the record of review.

  4. Results will be reported to the Provost’s Office.

COLA Dean will either be the Admin Supervisor for review or receive the review results from the Admin Supervisor.

  1. Former Admin, Single or Joint Appointment


Current, part-time Admin, whose faculty job does not report 100% to COLA Dean

Initial Review:

  1. Tenured faculty evaluation committee (min. 3 Fulls, including direct report to Admin Supervisor, and one or both departments, depending on if joint);

    1. Produces report; (see Step 4 tab for report details); 

    2. Assigns initial overall rating and area ratings;

    3. Sends to reviewee for comment;

  2. Reviewee reads report. May

    1. request to meet with committee; and/or

    2. provide additional materials or information; and/or

    3. offer a written response that accompanies report; or

    4. notify committee they have no comments to add.

  3. After reviewee step, committee adjusts report as needed and then sends to Chair(s) or Admin Supervisor, as applicable.

Chair(s) and/or Admin Supervisor’s review: Depending on the individual circumstances, Chair(s) and Admin Supervisor will determine in advance who will be responsible for the “Supervisor’s” level review.

  1. If Chair(s) are serving as main supervisor, then proceed as in “Not-Admin” single or joint appointment scenario ‘Chair’ and ‘Dean’ steps.

  2. If Admin Supervisor is serving as primary supervisor for review, proceed as in Admin scenario ‘Admin Supervisor’ step.


Faculty Rank & Type

Required Ratings

Required Context

Additional Requirements

Associate Professor, Not-Admin

  1. Overall rating

    1. Note: Per 5.e.i., justification will be required if overall rating differs from “average ratings” of annual reviews during CPR review period.

  2. Area ratings in

    1. Teaching,

    2. Research,

    3. Mentorship, and

    4. Service

  3. Note: If reviewee receives an “unsatisfactory” rating in any area of specialization, or overall, the supervisor will need to work with EVPP to provide a short-term development plan. (see Guidelines sec. 7 and Unsatisfactory tabsection.)

    1. Reviewee may also request an AIR as result of such a rating. (see Guidelines 5.e.iv. and Step 5.5 tab.)

Sufficient context for ratings given –both holistic and by area: highlighting areas of special achievement or areas where improvement is needed.

Provide comments and/or suggestions re: progress toward promotion to Full. (sec. 5.e.ii.)

  • COLA-specific: Per COLA’s tenured Faculty Workload Policy (FWP)--unless this is the first CPR in rank--if the reviewee is not considered ready to go through promotion review, an FWP action plan or a proposed modified workload will need to be developed. [Formulation of an action plan is adjacent to the CPR but not necessarily responsibility of CPR committee]. (see FWP wiki)

Associate Professor, Admin

  1. Overall rating

    1. Note: Per 5.e.i., justification will be required if overall rating differs from “average ratings” of annual reviews during CPR review period.

  2. Area ratings included for as many of the following areas apply during the review period:

    1. Teaching, and/or

    2. Research, and/or

    3. Mentorship, and

    4. Service

      1. E.g., someone who served as a full-time Admin for the six years of the review period might not have taught an organized course during that time, so a “Teaching” evaluation would not be applicable.

  3. Note: If reviewee receives an “unsatisfactory” rating in any area of specialization, or overall, the supervisor will need to work with EVPP to provide a short-term development plan. (see Guidelines sec. 7 and Unsatisfactory tabsection.)

    1. Reviewee may also request an AIR as result of such a rating. (see Guidelines 5.e.iv. and Step 5.5 tab.)

Sufficient context for ratings given –both holistic and by area: highlighting areas of special achievement or areas where improvement is needed.

  • Note: Report should clarify why particular Area ratings did not apply, if applicable.

Provide comments and/or suggestions re: progress toward promotion to Full. (sec. 5.e.ii.)

  • COLA-specific: Per COLA’s tenured Faculty Workload Policy (FWP)--unless this is the first CPR in rank--if the reviewee is not considered ready to go through promotion review, an FWP action plan or a proposed modified workload will need to be developed. [Formulation of an action plan is adjacent to the CPR but not necessarily responsibility of CPR committee.]. (see FWP wiki)

    • Note: Service as an Admin is known to impact the timeline for promotion readiness, generally speaking; the goal is to both offer a realistic picture of the reviewee’s current progress and to offer constructive advice and/or support in establishing a solid path to promotion, as needed.

Professor, Not-Admin

  1. Overall rating

    1. Note: Per 5.e.i., justification will be required if overall rating differs from “average ratings” of annual reviews during CPR review period.

  2. Area ratings in

    1. Teaching,

    2. Research,

    3. Mentorship, and

    4. Service

  3. Note: If reviewee receives an “unsatisfactory” rating in any area of specialization, or overall, the supervisor will need to work with EVPP to provide a short-term development plan. (see Guidelines sec. 7 and Unsatisfactory tabsection.)

    1. Reviewee may also request an AIR as result of such a rating. (see Guidelines 5.e.iv. and Step 5.5 tab.)

Sufficient context for ratings given –both holistic and by area: highlighting areas of special achievement or areas where improvement is needed.


  • Per COLA’s tenured Faculty Workload Policy (FWP)--if the reviewee is not considered meeting expectations for research-intensive faculty, specific suggestions for improvements, an FWP action plan, or potentially a proposed modified workload will need to be developed. [FWP follow-up is adjacent to the CPR but not necessarily specifically the responsibility of CPR committee, depending on department practices]. (see FWP wiki)

  • If a reviewee is holder of an endowment: Per COLA Endowment Policy, the CPR committee “shall consider whether the endowment holder has upheld the standard of performance consistent with the appointment as an endowment holder and whether the holder should be continued in the endowment or if another action should be taken.”

Professor, Admin

  1. Overall rating

    1. Note: Per 5.e.i., justification will be required if overall rating differs from “average ratings” of annual reviews during CPR review period.

  2. Area ratings included for as many of the following areas apply during the review period:

    1. Teaching, and/or

    2. Research, and/or

    3. Mentorship, and

    4. Service

      1. E.g., someone who served as a full-time Admin for the six years of the review period might not have taught an organized course during that time, so a “Teaching” evaluation would not be applicable.

  3. Note: If reviewee receives an “unsatisfactory” rating in any area of specialization, or overall, the supervisor will need to work with EVPP to provide a short-term development plan. (see Guidelines sec. 7 and Unsatisfactory tabsection.)

    1. Reviewee may also request an AIR as result of such a rating. (see Guidelines 5.e.iv. and Step 5.5 tab.)

Sufficient context for ratings given –both holistic and by area: highlighting areas of special achievement or areas where improvement is needed.

  • Note: Report should clarify why particular Area ratings did not apply, if applicable.


  • Since Admin positions alter a faculty member’s workload upon appointment, typically the FWP review won’t be necessary to comment upon, but the committee can determine whether appropriate, depending on individual situation (see FWP wiki).

  • If a reviewee is holder of an endowment: Per COLA Endowment Policy, the CPR committee “shall consider whether the endowment holder has upheld the standard of performance consistent with the appointment as an endowment holder and whether the holder should be continued in the endowment or if another action should be taken.”


  1. The Admin Supervisor will read the initial committee report, and, if applicable, the reviewee comments.

  2. If they agree with report:

    1. They would write a brief summary statement agreeing with the committee and adding any specific input or comments of their own, and/or confirm the final ratings categories: Overall, Service, and whichever other area ratings apply.

    2. They would send their final evaluation to the reviewee and to COLA HR.

    3. COLA HR would ensure the COLA Summary Form is updated appropriately, and that the full report is complete and on file, including:

      1. The COLA Summary Form (complete);

      2. The Admin Supervisor statement;

      3. Reviewee response to initial committee review, if applicable;

      4. Reviewee CV; and

      5. CIS-CES Summary and Grad Committee reports, as applicable.

    4. If the reviewee submits additional comments in response, those will be added to the final report.

    5. COLA HR will ensure the results are incorporated into the COLA CPR Results Report, due to EVPP before June 15.

  3. If they disagree with report:

    1. Request more information, and/or ask the initial committee to reevaluate one or more areas of their review; OR

      1. Whatever the results of this step, they will eventually need to finalize and communicate the CPR ratings, as in “c” below, or as in step #2 above.

    2. Initiate an additional intensive review (see AIR, Step 5.5.); OR

    3. Provide a separate statement, specifying the parts of the review with which they disagree, and assigning the final ratings categories: Overall, Service, and whichever other area ratings apply.

      1. They would send this final evaluation to the reviewee and to COLA HR.

      2. Proceed as in steps 2.c. through 2.e. above.

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Step 6: Dean’s Review

(if Step Five = Chair’s Review)

This step will be a lot like the Admin Supervisor review version of Step 5 as it will be the final evaluation step of the CPR.


  1. The Dean will read the department report, CV, and additional statements added by the chair or reviewee, as applicable.

  2. If the Dean has sufficient information to complete the CPR, the Dean will assign ratings (overall and areas) and summarize the results, providing additional context, as needed, when the review differs from prior levels. [If not, go to #3.]

    1. The Dean will provide the final summary report to COLA HR, who will update the CPR Coversheet, add the Dean’s report to the other documents comprising the CPR report, and send the results to the reviewee on the Dean’s behalf (cc: Chair(s)).

      1. Any Unsatisfactory ratings will require the reviewee’s direct supervisor, in collaboration with the dean and EVPP Faculty Affairs, to formulate a “short-term development plan” within one month of the delivery of the final review results. (see Unsatisfactory tabRating)

    2. In addition, COLA HR will compile the results for the college-wide report to the Provost’s Office.

  3. If the Dean does not have sufficient information and/or wants further review:

    1. The Dean can request an additional intensive review (see AIR Step 5.5 tab).

    2. Following the AIR, will complete the review as in #2 above.


  1. Depending on the review path of the CPR, either the Admin Supervisor or Dean is responsible for appointing the AIR committee by April 15.

    1. If Admin Supervisor: they will follow the same guidelines as when appointing the initial review committee (see process Step 2, C.3 and C.4.).

    2. If Dean: they will follow the same committee selection rules determined in Step 2, C. Path of Review, based on the reviewee’s appointment(s).

  2. Once appointed, the AIR committee may request additional materials or information from the reviewee.

  3. The AIR Committee drafts their report--including overall rating and applicable area ratings--and sends to reviewee.

  4. Reviewee does not have to take action at this point, but they can

    1. Request to meet with AIR Committee,

    2. Submit additional material for review, or

    3. Provide written comments to accompany the report.

  5. After reviewee has had a chance to look at AIR report and provide any feedback and/or written comments, the AIR committee will finalize their report and submit it to Dean or Admin Supervisor, as appropriate.

  6. Dean will finalize the CPR as in Step 6, A.2.; Admin Supervisor will finalize the CPR as in Step 5, B. above.


The college is required to report the results of all CPRs of its faculty after the reviews have been completed.

  1. As mentioned in Step 6.A.2.b., COLA HR will compile all CPR review results from the year for submission to EVPP.

  2. If any of the reviews involve “Unsatisfactory” ratings in any category, COLA HR will help coordinate among the reviewee’s direct supervisor, department staff, dean, and/or Faculty Affairs regarding the formulation--and submission--of the “short-term development plan” (see Unsatisfactory Rating tab).

    1. These short-term plans will need to be drafted and submitted to EVPP (via COLA) by Aug. 15.

    2. COLA will also need to collect status reports for any CPR development plans in effect from the prior academic year, to be submitted to EVPP by Aug. 1.

Unsatisfactory Rating


Per section 7 of the Guidelines, a rating of “unsatisfactory” for any CPR rating (overall or area) requires that the faculty’s direct supervisor work with the provost to formulate a ‘short-term development plan’. 
