Kevin: pick one thing you want to have that safety factor on. If you have a bunch of safety factors stacking up
If you want to set the cell temp at 45 C, have maximum operating envelope on every part along the way so you don't derate your pack
If these cells are so poorly documented that they harm our engineering process, maybe we need to find better cells
Dr Subramanian's lab - mech e professor Make BMS,with a lab electric used to characterize their battery
Are we testing water ingress
Yes, without the cells in there
Other teams have seen 5g as development level for bump loading, will it kill the design if you bump that mechanical to 5g
Have we considered a new electrical architecture for the battery? Having current collecting board
Really only think we need 3 point bend test and shear test, and then can extrapolate everything else in a spreadsheet - Kevin
You have a PCB for every battery module? That is a lot
When we are rushing to manufacture the wires can break off easily
The fuses are on the BPS side. If you have live wires that are not intrinsically fused, put the fused on that board. Also put it on the BPS