Versions Compared


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Make sure the versions of tesseract, muPDF and GhostScript are up to date. Run the following command on your command line to update software components of your Linux installation:

Code Block
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

Input files and staging space

This process presumes that the image files used to run OCR will be cropped and QC'd TIF files, named in sequential order. Avoid using this method on JPEG files, as this could result in significant loss of image quality.

Page images need to be staged in one subdirectory per volume/issue.

Ensure that the staging area used to process the images has enough space available. The process will create intermediary files (page-level PDFs and an uncompressed/unoptimized aggregate PDF document), which can take up hundreds of megabytes.

Processing instructions


Doesn't work as described here, still missing instructions to place the PDF/A instructions and ICC profile files:

  1. Navigate to the staging directory containing the Production Master (_pm) image files

  2. Create temporary subdirectories 'pdf' and 'pdf/pages', and navigate back to the staging directory:

    Code Block
    mkdir pdf
    cd pdf
    mkdir pages
    cd ..

    Run tesseract OCR on all images in the staging directory: 

    Code Block
    for i in *.tif; do tesseract -c tessedit_page_number=0 -l eng $i pdf/pages/${i%_pm.tif} pdf; done
  3. Merge page-level PDF documents into one PDF per volume/issue:

    Code Block
    mutool merge -o pdf/combined-pdf.pdf pdf/pages/*.pdf
  4. Produce the final PDF document.

    Code Block
    gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite \
        -dPDFA=2 \
        -dPDFACompatibilityPolicy=1 \
        -dNOSAFER \
        -dFastWebView \
        -sColorConversionStrategy=RGB \
        -dDownsampleColorImages=true \
        -dColorImageDownsampleThreshold=1.0 \
        -dAutoRotatePages=/None \
        -dColorImageResolution=150 -o downsampled-pdf.pdf /mnt/dps/staff_workspaces/mirko/pdfa/ combined-pdf.pdf
  5. Delete the pdf subfolder and combined-pdf.pdf