Department chair submits a search request to the Dean for approval, with a cc to the department Administrative Manager, including the position title and rank and draft job description.
If the Dean approves the search request, the department chair submits a proposed search committee and search chair (include at least one T/TT faculty member from outside of the department)
Once the search committee is approved, the department chair appoints the search committee, and the department chair and/or search committee creates a job posting.
Search committee chair submits posting for approval by Senior Associate Dean. Include the following:
Boilerplate language about the college, signature impact areas, and funding
For an example of boilerplate language, go to: Box (access restricted) > COE HR - Faculty HR > All Departments Faculty Recruiting XX-XY > Job posting template and example
Box folder access requests can be sent to COE-FacultyAffairs@austin.utexas.edu
List of required and preferred qualifications for junior and senior level positions
If the Senior Associate Dean approves, the department Administrative Manager submits the posting in Interfolio and assigns appropriate Interfolio roles to search committee members. See COE: Interfolio > Posting a position in Interfolio for instructions.
Dean's Office COE Faculty Affairs will receive receives a notification requesting approval of the Interfolio posting and will forward a copy of the posting to the Senior Associate Dean for approval. If approved by the Senior Associate Dean, Dean's Office COE Faculty Affairs will approve the posting in Interfolio.forward.
The Interfolio job posting routes to APS for final-approval. If
Where are UT Austin faculty positions posted?