Fluent with fluent meshing
Drag duplicate geometry to mesh
Properties → m to mm
Mesh → edit
Double precision 8
8 processes when launching
Fluent meshing
Import geometry
Add local sizing
Body of influence x 2
Select option
Target mesh
Boinear 60mm
Boiwake 100mm
Curvature x 2
Select option
Local 1
Max 8
Angle 14
Local 1
Max 10
Angle 16
Generate surface mesh
Min 1
Max 250
Cells per gap 3
Generate mesh
Geometry types
Consist of only fluid regions with no voids
Describe geometry
Update boundaries
Side and sky → symmetry
Update boundaries
Update regions
Update regions
Add boundary regions
Offset → last-ratio
Layers 8
Target y+ 1
Velocity 9
Length of car (check units)
Copy mm number
First height: calculated
Add boundary layers
Generate volume mesh
Fill with: poly-hexcore
Generate volume mesh
Save and quit
Models → viscous → check curvature correction
Boundary conditions → inlet → inlet
Velocity 9
Turbulent intensity 3
Boundary conditions → outlet → outlet
turbulent intensity 1
Wall → ground→ moving wall
Check direction of airflow (blue strings)
Z → -1
Open reference values
Reports → projected areas
Select fine and mediumfine
Min size 0.001
Projection direction → Z
Put in reference value area
Length of car
Temperature 303
Velocity 9
Monitors → residual → show advanced options → convergence criterion → none
Report definitions
New → force report → drag
Name: cd
Direction: same as airflow
Select fine and mediumfine
Print to console
New → force report → drag
Name: dragforce
Direction: same as airflow
Output type: Drag force
Select fine and mediumfine
Print to console
New → force report → lift
Name: cl
Direction: (0,1,0)
Select fine and mediumfine
Print to console
Hybrid initialization
Run calculations
Iterations 500
TACC Video: https://youtu.be/zt5X6b_ZuWI