General Updates | People have been busy in general and not much responses from people on what they have been upto. However, PDR slides with things that people can fill out are posted for DYN. Simmed old uprights on Ansys and the numbers make sense and setup makes sense. Can sim new uprights as I get them Need to teach ppl how I did the sim setups so that I’m not the one presenting all the sims and also need to sim hubs. Working through parts as people ask or I see updates but have been busy with packing
| | Most members are travelling/unresponsive over break Frame sims are underway. More progress will be done once Devansh and members get back from traveling. Not sure how passing our frame will be by the end of break but we’ll try Daybreak pedal box and steering wheel almost complete, next-gen brake pedal simmed. Other ergo projects not as much progress PDR rough template made but waiting to see Gerard's
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