Program Coordinator Coordinator Phone: home Office: E-mail:
| University Field SupervisorsField Supervisor’s name will be the |
cohort field supervisor for student teachers in these schools: |
Phone: E-mail: |
Attend These Events!
- Job Search Tools Workshops
- Career Fair
- Recruiters Panel Discussion
Use the week-long planning calendar and/or the 3-week planning calendar to sketch brief notes for longer-range planning.
Practicum Contribution Project
Please print the form provided and keep it in the OBSERVATIONS section of your Student Teacher Notebook. Items to be recorded on the form include: service at your placement school before the official beginning of practicum; attendance at evening PTA/PTO meetings or student performances; providing environmental, social or academic service to the school’s community. Discuss opportunities with your cooperating teacher.
Cooperating Teacher
Your relationship with your cooperating teacher is a key factor in your success. Your conscientious efforts will foster mutual respect between professional colleagues. Provide assertive, courteous communication of your own needs, concerns, ideas and preferences. Remember that your cooperating teacher once shared your path as a beginner in this challenging profession.
No two teachers would handle every issue identically. Remember the role that consistency plays in successful classroom management. Please defer to your cooperating teacher teacher’s judgment and preferences for this semester. You will have your own classroom soon! Meanwhile, appreciate your cooperating teacher teacher’s willingness to help you enjoy a successful student teaching experience.
University Field Supervisor
Your field supervisor will be on your campus weekly for observations and conferences. Your field supervisor will provide you with observation schedules for selecting formal observation times. In addition, field supervisors will perform informal observations and notebook checks. In your personal notebook, jot down questions or concerns to discuss with your field supervisor. You may request additional private conferences as needed. You have the right to expect university support!
Program Coordinator
Do not hesitate to contact your program coordinator through e-mail or telephone. The student teaching pacing guide documents are all working drafts for the EC-6 ESL student teaching experience.
Prior Notification of Absences
As a public school cooperating teacher of a UT College of Education student teacher, your cooperating teacher may wish to take advantage of the deeply discounted price for an Apple Laptop package available through the Campus Computer Store. We will provide more information to facilitate cooperating teacher purchase, but your cooperating teacher may see the Web site for actual specifications.
Evaluation: EC – 6 ESL Student Teaching Summative and Formative Assessments
Remember your moral and legal obligations! Immediately contact your cooperating teacher, school nurse, counselor or administrator. A referral to Child Protective Services may be warranted.
Photographing or Video/Audio Taping at School
- self-esteem
- sense of belonging to a community of learners
- increasing independence
- self-discipline
- self-expression
- responsibility
- accepting and learning from mistakes
- communication skills
- self-awareness of thought processes
- self-monitoring of learning
- maintaining a sense of humor and fun
- positive motivation
- establishing and maintaining positive peer relationships
- understanding and coping with feelings
- recognizing relationships between beliefs and behaviors
- social interaction
- physical activity
- civility
- respect for self and others
- physical outlets for excess energy
- adequate rest
Questions to Consider
How will you…..?
- Facilitate meaningful student engagement in learning
- Demonstrate that you care about each student
- Respond to incorrect student responses in ways that encourage academic risk-taking
- Encourage participation by all students (even those
- Involve students in the evaluation process
- Model self-acceptance
- Allow cooling off periods (for teacher and student)
- Involve the student in problem-solving during individual conferences, class meetings
- Give students a “voice and a choice”
- Establish and maintain an atmosphere of mutual respect
- Provide a safe environment for the risk-taking business of learning
- Involve students in limits-setting
- Provide ample noncontingent attention to each student. (Sprick, Module 5)
Reflective Teaching
- Evaluate and reflect upon your teaching experiences daily
- Analyze problems.
- Seek solutions through brainstorming, readings, and consultations with professional colleagues.
- Implement new strategies and assess the effectiveness of changed teaching behaviors.
- Remember that problem-solving is much more productive when you are rested.
- Make consistent efforts to improve.
- Complete the self-assessment Notes sections frequently following instruction.
Demonstrate Professionalism
Vernon, Ann.1989. Thinking, Feeling, Behaving:An Emotional Education Curriculum for Children Grades 1-6. Champaign, Illinois: Research Press.