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  • Review IC/EV historical PDRs
  • Review notes from IC/EV captains and chief engineer regarding PDR - DONE
  • Establish content requirements for solar PDR - DONE
  • Establish presentation guidelines for solar PDR
  • Optionally make a template for PDR


  • Combustion PDR
    • Purpose: to present high level data analysis and justification for pursuing projects
    • Not specific designs yet, but mainly justifications
    • Spent 1-2 hours per system (note: were very inefficient while going through them)
    • BUT 1-2 hours including Q&A is still probably a good mark for each system
      • Q&A takes majority of time
        • honing in on why designs/changes are being made
    • Essentially a more detailed version of our SRR
      • Can be technical, but more in the sense of explaining justifications than going in-depth on specific parts
    • Comparative analysis
      • Decision matrices
      • Why do we need to do this project?
  • Electric PDR
    • Set team level, system level, project level goals
    • Clear targets in terms of projects
    • Test plans
    • MVP of the system and stretch goals
    • Failure analysis of things that went wrong with previous/current iteration
    • High level schematics of new circuits/board designs
    • Ishan - they have a BSPD, might be worth investigating
      • More integration with the mechanical shit might be worth
      • Failure analysis and recovery
  • Our PDR?
    • Self-contained
    • What we are doing and why we are doing it
    • Analyze and consider all options for design decisions
    • Ishan - I think it would be good to include MVP(minimum viable product) and stretch goals
      • barebones, what the system needs to go in car
  • General Feedback TLDR:
    • PDR Mission statements (what do you wanna see?)
      • Ishan -  What are we building, specifically design details starting from a high level and going down to a component level, and why we think this design is the most effective at accomplishing the goals set out in SRR (justification). A layout of the work we need to do between now and CDR that we think is reasonable.
      • Sid- Here is what we are building to address the problems we outlined in SRR. Here is our initial plan of attack (diagrams etc.) with a fully thought out justification on this design (decision matrices and comparative analysis). Here is our MVP that is regs-legal, and our stretch goals. Here are some items that we would like feedback on.
      • Roy - Honing in on justification for design changes, both major and minor, and other projects that'll require manpower throughout the next design cycle.
    • PDR Official Mission: What are we building, specifically design details starting from a high level and going down to a project level, and why we think this design is the most effective at accomplishing the goals set out in SRR with a high degree of justification. A layout of the work we need to do between now and CDR that we think is reasonable: minimum viable product and stretch goals included. Analyze all potential avenues for each decision with a hyper-critical eye. Plan for testing & verification.
  • Next year we should make the presentations on non-workdays and schedule it FAR FAR FAR in advance
  • Sidharth's Proposed Structure
    1. Intro the system
      1. Who we are
      2. System's mission statement
    2. SRR Context
      1. System requirements & reasonings (criteria)

Our design goal is to build a solar vehicle that can cross 2000~3000 miles of backroad terrain in a cross-country competition.

Proposed PDR Structure 

1. System Introduction / Goals (1-2 Slides)

  • Who are we as a system?
  • What is our mission statement?
  • What are we trying to accomplish (high-level statement).
    • Can be split into general goals, deliverable-focused, and longterm goals.

2. Recap / Context from SRR (5 slides)

  • System Requirements (What does it have to do?)
  • Requirements Reasonings (Why does it have to do that?)
  • Note: This can be brief, as it was covered in SRR. However, since our SRRs were short without many external advisors, we felt recapping it here was useful.

3. Project / System Components 

  • Note: Bulk of PDR is in this and next section
  • What are we building to solve the problems / requirements that we have defined?
  • Why are you building that in particular?
  • Note: Justify your design choices and directions exhaustively.
  • Comparative Analysis & Justification
    1. Decision Matrix that led to this method being chosen (diagram)
    2. Comparison to current method (if it exists)
    3. Comparison to other possible solutions, INCLUDING commercial / off-the-shelf options.
    4. Clear explanation of why selected method is best path forward for system & team in general.

4. Holistic Architecture Review

  • How do all of the sections work together?
  • What considerations have you given to integration?

5. Risk Reductions

  • What could go wrong?
  • What plans do you have to mitigate those risks?

6. Appendix

  • Relevant regs, supporting materials 

Action items

  •  Each system needs to have a 1-2 sentence description of that system's overarching design goal / philosophy (Mission Statement). All of them should fall under the context of the one above.