- Role as a lead
- Be the representative of your system to outside groups (Team management, other teams, partners, ops, ect.)
- Be responsible for your team's final product
- Make decisions
- Part of being a leader is making hard decisions with incomplete information
- Do your best with the information you have
- Consider all the data you have and make predictions on things you don't know
- "This component will cost $__"
- "The FEA on this sim has a safety factor of __"
- "Our final deadline is in ___ days and ___ takes ___ days so we have to drop ___ or ___"
- "Based on their past lead times it should take them ___ days to ship ..."
- If you have to make a decision, make it with confidence
- "The hardest part of making decisions as a leader is sounding 100% when you feel 51%"
- Only backpedal when you deem that the cost of backpedaling on wasted work, momentum, and team motivation is greater than the cost of making the mistake
- You WILL make the incorrect choice sometimes but making a bad choice is better than decision paralysis
- Part of being a leader is making hard decisions with incomplete information
- Remove things that block your team from working at full efficiency
- Team member Management
- Important to have a good personal relationship built on trust and camaraderie
- Have something in writing to keep track of member capabilities/availability
- Load balance work and stressful tasks rotate people in and out as needed
- Team morale/environment/motivation
- People are motivated to do solar work by a couple of specific factors, don't harm these factors if you can avoid it
- Opportunity for experience
- Avoid giving too much busywork, always pair it with something useful for their development
- People
- Build good personal relationships with your team members and between people on your system
- Keep the workday environment relaxed but focused
- People will be willing to stay working for much longer if they are working with friends
- Invested in the car's success
- This is a heavily momentum-based factor, it takes a while to build up. You can build it up faster by giving people sole responsibility of important projects
- Good for a short(week to a month) push
- Opportunity for experience
- People are motivated to do solar work by a couple of specific factors, don't harm these factors if you can avoid it
- Logistics of supplies/services
- Everything has a lead time you never want your blocker to making progress to be waiting for shipping
- List of everything you need for any major task
- Inventory what your have - secure your inventory
- Order what you need
- Lay everything out for your team in an "Idiot proof manner"
- Looking for and resolving blocker tasks
- Blocker tasks are any small task that hold up all progress but can be solved by 1 person relatively easily
- Ex: Looking for a tool you will need for the next step of a process
- Blocker tasks are any small task that hold up all progress but can be solved by 1 person relatively easily
- Empowering your team to act independently
- Knowing how to get the answer for anything your team needs to know
- Team member Management
- Developing team vs. developing the car
- Costs/benefits of each strategy
- Short term vs long-term goals
- Meetings
- Meetings are necessary but there's a reason everyone hates them
- The purpose is to inform every person there of something and or get feedback on something that EVERYONE in the room should have input on
- If you're running a meeting, need an agenda
- For both being in a meeting and running a meeting, keep things that aren't important for everyone to know for after the meeting so you don't waste people's time
- Exceptions for when you need to understand something to make an informed decision and you don't
- Logistics thinking about ahead of time, avoid aeroshell last second purchases
- Mock layup purchase request
- Mock purchase requests
- Keeping ops involved with purchase requests and required mats to get carbon fiber donations for example
- Embedding technical system members into ops?
- Maybe just pull in area leads so they at least are more cautious about it
- Recruiting Stuff
- Generate starting projects(Start immediately after comp)
- How many people do we want
- Interview format
- Mock interviews
- Non-car starter projects. Just stuff that is fun and educational or useful off car
ME302Better than ME302 design process get people on that mindset- Practice examples
- Team wide bracket for design
- Justifying design decisions(should almost always be able to cite a number or equation of some kind)
- Design Philosphy
- Requirements
- Constraints
- Capabilities
- Goals
- Soft Skills
- Communication skills
- Everyone's goal is to work together to make the team do well
- listen/understand other person's perspective before trying to convince them
- do not have an ego
- Communication skills