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* Graduate student researchers must have a faculty sponsor for their research. If your study is part of your dissertation, you need the sponsorship of your committee supervisor, and you must have successfully completed your dissertation proposal meeting. Your request for subjects will be delayed or rejected for the semester if you fail to meet these requirements.




TBA (week of Feb. 3 - 7) SZB 538N - Informational session for researchers will be held. We strongly encourage new researchers to attend this session about using the management system and creating your study in the system. The Subject Pool Coordinator will send out an email with a confirmed date and time shortly after the start of the semester. 

Friday, September 13thFebruary 7th - Subject Pool Study Proposal Submission form due.

Wednesday, September 25th February 19th Study opening date for IRB-approved studies. Studies may also open after this date. 

FridayMonday, November 22nd April 27th Study closing date for all EDP Subject Pool studies. Studies close at midnight that evening. You may close your study earlier, but this is the last possible day to run participants.

Friday, November 29th May 1st - Finalized study credits are due from all researchers. 

MondayFriday, December 9th May 8th - End of semester; last class day. 
