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BRCF account



TACC account no longer required for BRCF account creation


1) For full remote access (including Samba browsing) the external collaborator need the UT VPN service. This is only available to UT students/staff, but PIs can set up "0-hour appointments" to UT which provide access to the UT VPN and cost nothing (other than the paperwork (smile) ). With this path the person could use the BRCF Account Request application to set up their own account, specifying the appropriate PI under Affiliation.

2) For access to SSH and the web applications, the external collaborator would just need a BRCF account. One complication is that access to the BRCF Account Request website is only allowed from within the UT campus network, or using the UT VPN service, which they would not have. A work-around is to have the POD owner or delegate Contact Us and authorize us  create an account for the collaborator (see Available BRCF PODs for POD owners and delegate names). We will do so, and assign a password which we will share with the UT-affiliated requestor in UT's Stache ( The requestor can then provide that password to the collaborator, which will be needed for web application access. (Also note that password changes can only be made through the network-restricted BRCF Account Request application.


From your X11-enabled terminal, use ssh -Y to connect to the POD compute server (the -Y enables forwarding of the X11 commands to the X-terminal). Once logged in, type matlab. This will (slowly) open a graphical window to run matlab in.

Here's how to create a script in matlab.

  • In the "Command Window" in the middle of the matlab window, type "1+1" and hit return, it should say "2".
  • Click the "New Script" button at the upper left (or the "New" Button, then select "Script" if you don't see "New Script").
    • This will open an editing window for a script. 
  • Type "1+1" in the window, then click "Save" from the upper menu. 
    • Name it anything with a ".m" extension (such as untitled.m, the default). 
  • You can then use then "Open" menu, or the "Current Folder" pain, to open that file in the future.
  • Once open in the Editor, you can use the "Run" command from the Editor menu to run it.
  • Exit matlab (using either the "exit" or "quit" command)

To open matlab without the graphical interface, type the not-so-short or intuitive command: matlab -nodisplay -nosplash. This should give an interactive command prompt. To exit, type quit or exit. Other sometimes-useful options for the non-GUI matlab include -nojvm (might speed things up a bit) and -wait (wait until your jobs finish before exiting).

To run the "script" we created above (called untitled.m in your home directory) and exit, you can do something like:

Code Block
matlab -nodisplay -nosplash -r "run('~/untitled.m');quit"

To add some error checking, you can use:

Code Block
matlab -nodisplay -nosplash -r "try, run('~/untitled.m'), catch, exit, end, exit"

Another simple example script could be created and executed from the command line as shown below. (It should tell you the answer is "7.3529".)

Code Block
echo "5^3/(2^4+1)" > ~/untitled2.m
matlab -nodisplay -nosplash -nojvm -r "run('~/untitled2.m');quit"
