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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Also see our About R and R Studio Server help page.


This is done using the Samba remote file system protocol. See Samba remote file system access for how to configure this on your Windows or Macintosh computer.

Can't connect to a Samba share after POD maintenance

It sometimes happens that a Samba share that was mounted before BRCF POD maintenance no longer works afterwards, or attempting to mount a new share does not work. The first thing to try in this situation is to reboot your laptop/desktop computer, as we have seen a number of Samba-related issues that are only cleared by a clean reboot. If connection problems persiste, please Contact Us for assistance.

"The network folder specified is currently mapped using a different user name and password" (Windows only)


From your X11-enabled terminal, use ssh -Y to connect to the POD compute server (the -Y enables forwarding of the X11 commands to the X-terminal). Once logged in, type matlab. This will (slowly) open a graphical window to run matlab in.

Here's how to create a script in matlab.

  • In the "Command Window" in the middle of the matlab window, type "1+1" and hit return, it should say "2".
  • Click the "New Script" button at the upper left (or the "New" Button, then select "Script" if you don't see "New Script").
    • This will open an editing window for a script. 
  • Type "1+1" in the window, then click "Save" from the upper menu. 
    • Name it anything with a ".m" extension (such as untitled.m, the default). 
  • You can then use then "Open" menu, or the "Current Folder" pain, to open that file in the future.
  • Once open in the Editor, you can use the "Run" command from the Editor menu to run it.
  • Exit matlab (using either the "exit" or "quit" command)

To open matlab without the graphical interface, type the not-so-short or intuitive command: matlab -nodisplay -nosplash. This should give an interactive command prompt. To exit, type quit or exit. Other sometimes-useful options for the non-GUI matlab include -nojvm (might speed things up a bit) and -wait (wait until your jobs finish before exiting).

To run the "script" we created above (called untitled.m in your home directory) and exit, you can do something like:

Code Block
matlab -nodisplay -nosplash -r "run('~/untitled.m');quit"

To add some error checking, you can use:

Code Block
matlab -nodisplay -nosplash -r "try, run('~/untitled.m'), catch, exit, end, exit"

Another simple example script could be created and executed from the command line as shown below. (It should tell you the answer is "7.3529".)

Code Block
echo "5^3/(2^4+1)" > ~/untitled2.m
matlab -nodisplay -nosplash -nojvm -r "run('~/untitled2.m');quit"
