Versions Compared


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Salary amounts, names, and titles are placed on the Salary Criteria page. All information from the salary criteria page is pulled automatically to other tabbed pages. If additional lines are needed, copy and insert paste on salary criteria page as well as copy and insert lines on tabbed pages and use corresponding formulas to the cells on criteria page.

Key Personnel

Faculty - Faculty (incl. Lecturer) listings use the 9-month base calculation in the proposal budget template for accurate calculations.

Researcher – Researchers are placed in the top portion personnel with faculty if they are key personnel, however, then use the 12-month base calculation in the proposal budget template for accurate calculations.

Other Personnel

Project Coordinators – Project coordinators are staff positions used for administration of participants or large multi-center projects. They are non-key personnel and should be placed in the second portion of the budget using the 12-month base calculation.

Postdocs – Postdocs are listed after any named personnel in the other personnel if they do not have project design or programmatic decision-making. They use a 12-month base calculation.

GRAs – GRAs are pre-populated in the proposal budget template tied to the tuition lines. If additional other personnel are included make sure to accurately tie GRA effort to the tuition lines and remove formula references to other personnel. If the GRA is a PI of Record should they be considered a Key Personnel second to the University PI (their mentor). If they are key personnel, change the tuition calculation to the key personnel effort line that they are calculated on.

Hourly – Hourly listings are documented last in the proposal budget. For calculation purposes, their “annual” salary amount is the anticipated hourly rate multiplied by 2079.6 [the standard accepted estimated number of work hours in a year as calculated by The University of Texas at Austin].


Enter the requisite starting weighted fringe rate into box provided:

Benefits eligible full-time personnel (40 hours or more) are weighted using the current FY rate and the project year start date.

Benefits ineligible personnel (less than 20 hours) are calculated at 5.1%.

All GRAs are calculated at benefits eligible rate in anticipation of additional appointments elsewhere across the college or university.

All fringe costs are automatically escalated by 0.5% in future project years in the budget template.


Starting tuition should be entered in the tuition box to the right of this area based on the fiscal year the project year 1 takes place. Tuition in is then calculated automatically using the included formula. The formula calculates as follows:

([Tuition Rate Current FY] / [0.5]) * [Percent Effort of Student]

0.5 is the included rate determination since students at 50% percent effort are considered equivalent to 100% full-time effort, thusly if a student works “full-time” (50%, 20 hours/week) then full tuition will be remitted. The percent tuition corresponding to their effort is then paid as a proportion. If the month time to be worked is less than the full semester, the tuition is adjusted accordingly to the proportion of the months worked.

Subsequent project years in the budget, tuition is increased by 2% automatically based on Year 1 entered tuition.

Stipends/Scholarships/Fellowships (Hidden as rarely used):

Stipends will need to be manually filled in by type, description, the rate amount and quantity needed. Total calculates automatically using this data and exempt UT IDC portion is calculated automatically utilizing this information.

Human Subjects Participant Incentives:

Human Subjects Participant Incentives will need to be manually filled in with type, description, the rate amount and quantity needed. Total calculates automatically using this data.

Consultants/Service Agreements:

Consultants/Service Agreements will need to be manually filled in with type, description, the rate amount and quantity needed. Total calculates automatically using this data.


Subawards will need to be manually filled in with name of institution, description (include Sub PI name and Sub IDC rate), the direct cost amount and IDC amount based on provided Sub budget. Total calculates automatically using this data and exempt UT IDC portion is calculated automatically utilizing this information. If sponsor restriction deviates, formula updates will need to be made to calculate correctly.

Capital Equipment (Hidden as rarely used):

Capital Equipment will need to be manually filled in with type, description, the rate amount and quantity needed. Total calculates automatically using this data and exempt UT IDC portion is calculated automatically utilizing this information.

Materials and Supplies:

Materials and Supplies will need to be manually filled in with type, description, the rate amount and quantity needed for each type. Total calculates automatically using this data.

Other Costs:

Other Costs will need to be manually filled in with type, description, the rate amount and quantity needed for each type. Total calculates automatically using this data.


Travel will need to be manually filled in with name(s) of traveler or travel type, description of travel (conference, data collection, etc.), and the amount of days anticipated. The rate calculates automatically for each category utilizing the travel information. If a traveler will be gone 4 days, 3 nights, please use 3 nights for lodging category, 2 travel days for transportation category, and 4 days for per diem category. If multiple trips of the same type will occur, enter trip number more than 1 in trips column and include number of trips in description.


IDC is calculated automatically using the Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC) and university exempted categories information included in the rate agreement. For reduced IDC, enter that IDC in the IDC box to apply the reduced amount and the included spreadsheet formula will automatically calculate IDC using the Total Direct Costs (TDC). If a sponsor requires a reduced IDC to be calculated on the MTDC, enter the reduced percentage in the greyed current IDC rate box above the total costs line. This will modify the formula to accurately calculate the IDC on the MTDC. For all other deviations, formulation will need to be manually adjusted.

DC (Hidden unless needed):

Above the total direct costs line is a hidden line for direct costs not including subaward IDC. This line is rarely used, but used heavily for NIH R01 awards in which the $500,000 per year Direct Costs (excluding Subaward IDC) calculation becomes important to know. Unhide this line for this use, formulas automatically calculate, no changes should be necessary.
