Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • Formatting was changed.


On the duplicate delete any titles you made in AVID.  Try to get all your video clips down to the V1 track and or V2 track.  If you can get the video track down to one that is easiest.

Next attempt to modify the video tracks down to 1 or 2 tracks if possible.



Adobe Project

Make a New Bin

Title the bin "Export to Resolve"
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Duplicate the Final Pic lock sequence

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Rename it so it is obviously your final timeline Ex: Export to Resolve - Final 04_10_18  Dates are helpful here!!

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Move the timeline into the newly created Export Bin you just made

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Right click the timeline and duplicate it again!! Yes do this because we are going to delete the audio tracks next.
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Title this one the same but put "No Audio"

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Load the copied timeline by double clicking it. It'll load into the Sequence Window

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Select all your audio tracks in the timeline. Click on the "Delete" key this will remove all of the audio clips from the timeline

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Then go to >Sequence > and choose Delete Tracks

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Choose Audio Tracks > Check Delete Audio Tracks >All Empty Tracks >OK

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Next get the video tracks down to two video tracks

Move all the video clips down from V3, V4 and etc. to V1 and V2

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Then go to >Sequence > and choose Delete Tracks

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Choose Video Tracks > Check Delete Video Tracks >All Empty Tracks >OK

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Next select the sequence and choose

>File>Export>Final Cut Pro XML. . .

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Choose a location to save the file


click on "Save"

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