On the DOCK of any Moody College Lab Mac click on Shares or | |
On Macintosh HD double click on Shares to open | |
Go to class_folders and double click. | |
class_folders volume will mount on your desktop Open it and go to >Classmedia>avid_editing_classmedia | |
Locate the AVID Project you want to use | |
Open it and copy the Avid MediaFiles folder and paste it on to the "Root" level of your hard drive.Projects will either have OMFI MediaFiles or AVID MediaFiles Folders | |
On your personal hard drive that you are copying the media to go to >Hard Drive> AVID MediaFiles> Make another folder and name it with a number like this example Once you have created a new folder and named it with a number copy the contents of the classmedias folder to the new folder you just made on your hard drive. | |
Example shown here | |
The next project to copy over is "another avid project if you need it DreamCatcher" | |
Copy the entire |