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Discussion items

HousekeepingGroup's documentation repository
  • UT support for Google share drives is  going away. We do have a drive for this group so we will need to think of new documentation repository strategies. UT is recommending the use of UTbox and OneDrive. The group also have a folder in UTbox, though Google Drive was always an easier platform to collaborate with colleagues outside of campus. Certain concerns among group members about using Microsoft OneDrive.
TCDL BoaF sessionUpdates
  • We have been assigned a session facilitator (Amanda Zerangue)
  • A presenter's office hour is scheduled on May 11, 2022 from 2-3PM CST
  • We need to review/edit and confirm session information and speaker references by May 16
  • Session facilitators might want to review their sched profile and add something about their work with linked data
Topic ideas
  • Add topic ideas to the Session page in Sched
  • Polling the attendees at the beginning of the session to pick one of these ideas
    • Polls need to be set up in advance and shared with our session facilitator by May 16
  • Choose top 4 topics we are more interested in discussing
  • Two of the topics seem to be more potential deliverables and maybe those could be follow-ups  of any of the discussions
    •  Charting linked data efforts to identify experts, collaborators, and common goals
    • Follow-up to BoaF: Organizing a community of linked data practitioners at TDL
  • Decision to take "introductions" out the agenda. Introductions normally take too much of the session time and since we only have 1 hour maybe we can skip that part and make it asynchronous
    • Set up a google sheet where attendees can add their names and a brief intro
    • Add google sheet link to the Sched
    • Share in advance with our listserv and attendees registered for the session
  • Decision to take out of the agenda sharing details about the projects we are working on. This can be done organically through out the conversation, or very briefly mentioned on the opening
  • Update the goal about creation of a roadmap to sound less formal and add focus on building the community of practice at TCDL
  • What that community of practice could look like? Is the group interested in opening up to members beyond campus? Are there other groups like this one in other campuses?
Facilitator roles
  • Opening – Paloma and Katie
  • Conversation facilitator and time keeper - Melanie
  • Closing - Michael
  • Chat conversation facilitators - Paloma, Katie and Michael
  • Do we need a notetaker, or do we want to enable for collaborative note taking
    • Since the session is going to be recorded, we can set up a google doc to record links that are being shared, but not necessarily try to keep minutes. We can add links to the projects we are working on in the google doc
  •  Follow up with the whole group before the session to invite them to join, and let everyone know about the intros google sheet and the links google doc
  • We could also contact a week in advance everyone that has signed up for the session to let them know that they can add the intros in advance
Wikidata workshopworkshop model preferences
  • Michael - the examples provided on the wikidata query page have been very useful to understand the potential of wikidata (a lot of +1s)
    • Focusing on that will help us foregrounding the why we should put resources towards wikidata contribution and highlights the value of leveraging wikidata data
    • Help develop more champions of wikidata within our institutions
  • Paloma - Martin poulter workshop "Knowledge as service" seems like a good example of workshop geared in that direction
  • Internal – our metadata colleagues
  • Would make it easier on ourselves if we focus on metadata skill level – people that engages in metadata work as part of their daily jobs (catalogers, archival processing, digital collection metadata creators, etc..)
  • Brainstorming exercise to do asynchronously — Who in our institution fall under this profile and would be interested?
  • Follow up with this question when we meet next month

Action items

  •  Add convener, intended audience, topic ideas, goals and agenda to Sched session – TCDL session facilitators
  •  Create a google doc for links that are shared during the meeting and add link to the Sched session – TCDL session facilitators
  •  Create google sheet for intros and add link to the Sched session – TCDL session facilitators
  •  Submit our polling to Amanda before May 16  – TCDL session facilitators
  •  Follow up with large group to remind about the session - Paloma and Melanie
  •  Reach out to session attendants a week in advance - TCDL session facilitators
  •  Brainstorming workshop audience – all
Recap of May/June activitiesKatie, Melanie, Michael, Paloma

LD4 2022 Conference TakeawaysAll
Wikidata workshopAll

Action items

  •  Add items