Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
cat -n haiku.txt | \
  while IFS= read line; do
    echo "Line is: '$line'"
  • The IFS= clears all of read's default Input Field Separator, which is normally whitespace (one or more space characters or tabs).
    • This is needed so that read will set the line variable to exactly the contents of the input line, and not specially process any whitespace in it.
  • The lines of ~/haiku.txt are piped into the while loop


Code Block
tail -n +2 ~/data/sampleinfo.txt | \
while IFS= read line; do
  jobName=$(    echo "$line" | cut -f 1 )
  sampleName=$( echo "$line" | cut -f 3 )
  if [ "$jobName" == "" ]; then
    sampleName="Undetermined"; jobName="none"
  echo "job $jobName - sample $sampleName"
done | more


  • The double quotes around the text that "$line" are important to preserve special characters inside the original line (here Tab characters).
    • Without the double quotes, the line's fields would be separated by spaces, and the cut field delimiter would need to be changed.
  • Some lines have an empty Job name field; we replace Job and Sample names in this case.


Sometimes you want to take a file path like ~/my_file.something.txt and extract some or all of the parts before the suffix, for example, to end up with the text my_file here. To do this, first strip off any directories using the basename function. Then use the odd-looking syntax:

  • $ ${<variable-name>%%.<suffix-to-remove>}
  • $ ${<variable-name>##<prefix-to-remove>}

Code Block
pathname=~/my_file.something.txt; echo $pathname
filename=`basename $pathname`; echo $filename

# isolate the filename prefix by stripping the ".something.txt" suffix
echo $prefix

# isolate the filename suffix by stripping the "my_file.something." prefix
echo $suffix

Exercise 3-12

Use the suffix-removal syntax above to strip the .bed suffix off files in ~/data/bedfiles.


Code Block
cd ~/data/bedfiles
for bedf in *.bed; do
  echo "BED file is $bedf"
  echo " .. prefix is $pfx (after the .bed suffix is stripped)"

A few odds and ends

Input from a sub-shell

When parentheses ( ) enclose an expression, it directs that expression be evaluated in a sub-shell of the calling parent shell. Recall also that the less-than sign < redirects standard input. We can use these two pieces of syntax instead of a file in some command contexts.
