Versions Compared


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The Metadata Object Description Schema (MODS) is a hierarchical XML-based bibliographic description schema created by the Library of Congress’ Network Development and MARC Standards Office. MODS is meant to be a compromise between the complex MARC system and the simplistic Dublin Core metadata.


XML Path Language (XPath) is a query language employed by the XML forms in the repository to both write the proper nodes to the MODS XML datastream and read the nodes from that datastream t to display in the form.


How XPath Syntax and XML match up (color coded):


XPath Syntax noted in metadata mapping sheets and employed in XML forms

mods:titleInfo[@lang="eng" @displayLabel="Title (English)"]/mods:title


Resulting XML in MODS datastream

<mods xmlns="" xmlns:mods="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xlink="">

 <titleInfo lang="eng" displayLabel="Title (English)">

    <title>Test Collection</title>
