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  • Send the Graduate Coordinator an email from your UT email address indicating you want to Q-drop or change a course's grading status to CR/NC. Include the course details, including the unique number. This email will serve as your signature/approval of the add/drop form.
  • The Graduate Coordinator will send an add/drop form and your email to the Graduate School for processing. 
  • When processed, the Graduate School will notify the student and the Graduate Coordinator. 

Qualifying Exams

First-year students should plan for virtual All qualifying exams in 2020. President Fenves announced on April 1 that all summer courses would be delivered in an online format, which means that in-person qualifying exams may not be a possibility this yearsummer 2020 must be held virtually. Please refer to the Virtual Qualifying Exam Best Practices info sheet. All qualifying exam paperwork is submitted directly to the Graduate Coordinator. 


All students who intend to propose before the end of summer 2020 should plan for must hold a virtual proposal. Many of the tips and best practices in the Virtual Qualifying Exam Best Practices info sheet also apply to proposals. Many resources exist online, including other students' experiences from holding virtual proposals. Check out this thread and this article for more practical tips. All proposal paperwork is submitted directly to the Graduate Coordinator. 


All students who intend to defend before the end of summer 2020 should plan for must hold a virtual defense. Review best practices and articles mentioned in the Qualifying Exam section and the Proposal section.


Paperwork: Learning outcomes should be submitted to the Graduate Coordinator via email. The Report of Dissertation Committee must be signed by your committee members and the GSC Chair (Dr. Yeh) and submitted to The Graduate School strongly prefers that all signatures are on one page, but will accept multiple pages if needed. Note that the Graduate School's submission deadline for spring 2020 has not changedsummer is August 14. Upload your dissertation to the Texas Digital Library and submit all final paperwork by 3 PM on May 8August 14

Download a fillable version of the BME MSE and PhD Learning Outcomes fillable.pdf for your committee members. As a reminder, the Report of Dissertation Committee form will be emailed to you approximately one week prior to your defense.


    • Closed Defense
      • You are responsible to create a Zoom meeting and distribute the details to your committee. 
      • If you have non-UT affiliates joining the meeting: in the meeting Advanced Options under 'Only authenticated users can join', choose 'Sign into Zoom guest'. 
      • We strongly recommend using a password to prevent "zoombombing." 
      • You may also send the link to lab mates, family members or others who wish to join even if you choose a closed defense. 
      • We recommend designating at least one other person as an alternate host to serve as the room moderator to attend to technical issues and let people in from the waiting room. All guests (or non-UT Zoom users) will automatically be placed in the waiting room. 
      • Consider how the committee will break into a closed session after your presentation. A co-host cannot place a host in the waiting room. For this reason, we strongly suggest the meeting host be your committee chair so they can place you in the waiting room during the closed committee session. 
      • Practice! Take some time before the date of your proposal to practice using the software with other people. 
    • Public Defense:
      • You are responsible to create a Zoom meeting and distribute the details to your committee and the Graduate Coordinator. 
      • If you have non-UT affiliates joining the meeting: in the meeting Advanced Options under 'Only authenticated users can join', choose 'Sign into Zoom guest'. 
      • We strongly recommend using a password to prevent "zoombombing."
      • We recommend designating at least two other people as alternate hosts to serve as room moderators to attend to technical issues and let people in from the waiting room. All guests (or non-UT users) will automatically be placed in the waiting room. Having trouble adding your alternate host? Try using (e.g., with the person's actual EID. Look up EIDs using the UT Directory
      • The Graduate Coordinator will create an RSVP survey in Qualtrics, the link to which will be distributed via the regular defense notice to the full Graduate Studies Committee and BME graduate student list serv. The notice will go out about one week prior to your defense. You will be given collaborator access to the survey so you have access to the RSVPs. Feel free to send the RSVP link to others who may want to attend that are not included on the Graduate Student or GSC email list.
      • Within 24 hours before your defense, the Graduate Coordinator will forward the Zoom link and password to everyone who submitted an RSVP. 
      • When you begin your defense, consider taking a minute to speak to the technology and your expectations (e.g., ask everyone except your committee members to disable video if it is a large group). Your meeting co-hosts can also control this manually. 
      • The breakout rooms and waiting room have proven not to be a good practice with large external audiences. For this reason, we suggest having a second meeting link, hosted by your committee chair, that can be used just for the closed session after the public presentation. It is not possible for a co-host to place a host in a waiting room. For this reason, your committee chair should be the host so they can place you in the waiting room during the committee's closed session. 
      • Practice! Take some time before the date of your proposal to practice using the software with other people

Summer and Fall Registration
