Versions Compared


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Dept.Num.Course Name
BCH369Fundamentals of Biochemistry
BCH387DPhysical Methods in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
BCH394Structure and Function of Proteins and Nucleic Acids
BCH395GStructure and Function of Proteins and Membranes
BIO336Tumor Biology (upper-division undergraduate level)
BIO383Current Topics in Cell Biology
BIO383Topics in Membrane Biology
BIO381KCellular and Molecular Basis of Neuro Development
BIO382KBiology for Big Data Scientists
BIO382KCell Membrane Trafficking
BIO383KMembrane Trafficking in Eukaryotic Cells
BIO383KTopics in Membrane Biology
BIO384KPhylogenetic Perspectives
BIO394MTumor Biology
BIO391PAdvanced Virology
BIO394MAdvanced Immunology
BIO395HCell Biology
BIO395JMolecular Biology
BIO395JGenes/Genome/Gene Expression
BME382JBiological Membranes and Cell Interfaces: Principles and Applications
BME385JClinical Cardiology
CH391Macromolecular Chemistry
CHE384Quantitative Analysis of Cell and Molecular Biology
CHM394Structure and Function of Proteins and Nucleic Acids
CH395Cell Biology
CSE397Pathology and Epidemiology of Cardiovascular Disease
GS071113Microbial Physiology
KIN395Advanced Exercise Physiology
KIN395Cardiovascular Responses and Adaptations to Exercise
KIN395Human Cardiovascular/Autonomic Physiology
ME391Cardiovascular Pathology
ME397Clinical CardiologyME397Pathology and Epidemiology of Cardiovascular Disease
N396CAdvanced Pathophysiology
NEU380GVisual Neuroscience
NEU381NBasic Processes of Nerve Cells
NEU382Cellular Neuroscience
NEU383CFunctional Neuroanatomy
NEU385LAddiction Neuroscience
NEU385LIon Channels
NEU385LNeurobiology of Disease
NEU382TPrinciples of Neuroscience
NEU386DMultivariate Pattern Analysis
NEU394PIntroduction to Sensory-Motor Systems
NEU394PNeurobiology of Learning and Memory
NEU394PCurrent Topics in Behavioral Neuroscience
NTR390Molecular Nutritional Sciences
PGS380FBiomedical Pharmacology
PGS384LBiochemistry and Molecular Toxicology
PGS388CEnzyme Catalysts, Mechanisms and Applications
PGS388KMolecular Mechanisms and Methods in Nutrition and Cancer
PHR391Advanced Pharmaceutics
PHY382PBiophysics & Biological Physics
PSY387SPrinciples of Cognitive Neuroscience
PSY380EVision Systems
PSY394UIntroduction to Sensory Motor Systems
SLH391QAnatomy & Physiology of the Auditory System


Dept.Num.Course Name
BME381JRehabilitation Engineering
BME382J9-Biomimetic Design and Engineering
BME382JMultiscale Biosystems/Microengineering
BME383J2-Musculoskeletal Biomechanics
BME383J4-Biomechanics of Human Movement
BME384J4-Bioelectric Phenomena
BME385JModeling/Simulating Cardiac Function
BME382JCell and Molecular Biomechanics
BME382J8-Molecular Biophysics: Measurements and Methods
BME385J7-Tissue/Cell Biomechanical Applications
BME385JThin Film Mechanics
BME385JTissue/Scaffold Biomechanics
BME385JSoft Tissue BiomechanicsBME385JClinical Cardiology
BME385JGrowth and Remodeling of Tissue Systems
EM384KContinuum Mechanics
