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Tiered Ingest allows you to group all of the files corresponding to an asset's datastreams (with the exception of RELS-EXT) into a sub-directory.

Use Case:  As a DAMS user, I need to ingest a set of digital objects (including archival files, publication files, other derivatives created outside of Islandora) as one Fedora asset with multiple datastreams so that my workflow is streamlined and related objects are stored together in one place.Solution:  We need to use a specialized batch ingest module for this because the standard Islandora Batch only allows for two files per asset, one .xml file for the MODS datastream and one other file for the OBJ datastream. Tiered Ingest allows you to group all of the files corresponding to an asset's datastreams (with the exception of RELS-EXT) into a sub-directory.

Multiexcerpt include
MultiExcerptNameBatch ingest general instructions
PageWithExcerptBatch ingest simple assets


The tiered ingest batch module uses filenames to identify the files that correspond to specific datastreams. All of the files you are ingesting as one asset should go in one directory, a sub-directory of the path you identify in the queue form. Each sub-directory corresponds to one asset and must have at least a file for the "key datastreams" (datastreams.txt).   This file will list the datastream ID and corresponding filename, for instance the MODS datastream (MODS.xml), OBJ datastream (ex: filename.tif for large image), or other datastreams with derivatives based on the list provided by Preservation

In order for the script to know what the datastreams to be ingested are we need a "manifest" to be included with the queued batch.


fill out form as follows:

>>> Architectural Collections

Enter identifer of sub-collection that will contain your batch of assets >>> utlarch:5a4f464a-b4d5-4dd7-b2c2-4562643ac1bd
  >>> batch1

sample directory structure:
