The geographic extent of the project originally (Versions 1.0 and 2.0) was defined as the political area of Texas including the barrier islands and bays. Our data aquisitionacquisition, georeferencing, and normalizations efforts then focused entirely on records within the political boundary of Texas and those records were only retrievable via queries of verbatim donor fields. However, since fish are unaware of political boundaries and a complete understanding of Texas ecosystems requires inclusion of those parts of Texas basins within other jurisdictions, we aimed to add those records. Although the database always did include some of these records, we've now, with Version 3.0, added numerous new marine and freshwater records from the Gulf of Mexico, inland Mexico, and neighboring US states (Colorado, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisiana) from within our shared basins. In Version 3 we make most of these pre-existing records more easily available (see georeferencing) and add our Track 3 dataset, which includes many more records from Texas' neighbors.