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  • "Study Hall" - silent review of printed agenda, making notes, getting in the zone
  • Round Robin Updates (3 per attendee)
    • Melanie: 
      • 2 months at UT Libs
      • supporting non-MARC metadata practice:  assessing existing practice; looking towards the future (Islandora, BIBFRAME) 
      • DPOC, DCIT
    • Katie: 
      • 2 months as APL Librarian; 
      • digital humanities environmental scan (Architecture); 
      • UTDR/UTSOA video preservation
    • Jessica: 
      • metadata crosswalking to MODS for digital collections; 
      • Preserving UTexas submitting a proposal; ASMP Software Systems
      • volunteer to make contact with Fine Arts and Engineering to investigate their CDOs (we should probably decide how many different groups we want to target in our sample - 4-5 domains may reveal 75% of the major challenges for all domains creating CDOs)
    • Esther:
      • Updates to Atom 2.1, some increased functionality
      • MARC export may be forthcoming
      • Fonds and Bonds
    • Adam
      • Reflectance transformation imaging stuff
      • Archaeology data management group meeting
      • UG CS student working on metadata extraction tool, Linked Data
  • Recap of highlights/action items from last month's meeting
    • environmental scan of complex objects on campus
      • lit review, developing interview questions, recap of convo w/ Dr. Galloway, work sessions in December?


Round RobinsAdam
  • Archeology data management group meeting met and they had Dena Reed from Archeology, Art History, Jonathan Jarves, Adam, Jessica Trologin, Brian Roberts, Texas Archeologyal research lab
  • They discussed challenges - mainly places to store it and in terms of archiving and dlong long term publication strategies
  • They came up with the list of the items they had and what they were creationcreating
  • They decided to write up a paper about what exactly they want to do - what the ADMG wants as outcomes
  • Ladd was present at that meeting
  • There was follow-up from Denee: we'll see what kind of legs it has but everyone was interested and it was clear that they all share these issues about their data sets
  • Other archaeologists are interested in seeing solutions once they've been tried
  • Reflectance transformation imaging - allows you to take an object with surface relief with changing light source, and creates a single file where you can dynamically predisposition position the light
    • this creates original raw photos
    • color corrected photos
    • project file in complex directory structure
    • increasing amount of computational photography
    • 2 big categories of data from the meeting were giant amount of photographs that take their meaning from databases and GIS data
  • Michael Thomas - and John Clarke (Ontopolis born-digital project)
    • They still don't have a preservation plan
    • Large and complex thing, database they don't know what to do with
    • reference files "transactional data"
    • 3d model that integrates original data and database
  • Complex relational database
  • Digital lab notebook will be happening in the spring where metadata can be added to the reflectance imaging images on the fly
  • There was a group that is trying to make low-cost dome lights for this projects
    • Highlight ITI - the software uses the highlight on the sphere to calculate the light which allows you to calculate the normal - so you can figure out other lighting options dynamically
    • If Adam can procure a low-cost dome, there these imaging activities would increase considerable
    • considerably
  • Adam's student developing metadata extraction tools for the archeology digital images (outputting Dublin Core)
    • D3 visualizations
    • working towards alpha-level prototype by the end of the semester
    • possible demo or presentation by Adam's studentcould student demo the tool for this group?
    • can do a check on the Dublin Core that is being created - does it need to be Dublin Core - how are they getting descriptive elements by extracting info from the image itself
  • Any of those faculty members from the management group would be willing
    • Jessica Trologin for staff
    • Michael Thomas is not faculty but
    • John Clarke (faculty) will be around in the Spring (Ontoplis project Oplontis Project or the ICA digital projects - Joe Carter)
  • Growing pains related to building capacity for creating more stuff but not matching that in terms of grasping cost projections for long term storage and access (I/O)
  • What repos are handling RIS & CDO well?
    • OpenContext platform manages data in a more complex fashion - California, publication platform stored in CDL
    • Carolina Digital Library has some archaeological data in something that looks like DSpace
    • But many of the repositories being used vary widely in terms of the cost associated with storage and access
    • Heurist - the University of Sydney is being used by the Federated Archaeological Data Management System (Android-based collecting platforms)
  • Poke Adam about contacting faculty
  • Architecture and Planning Librarian through January March 2015
    • Working on contemporary practice in architectural record production (studio)
  • Digital Scholarship group environmental scan has been proposed and there is some overlap with that and what we are trying to do
  • She has been thinking about the best way to gather that information in the school of architecture in the same way that Adam pulled together the data management group
  • Currently working on a project with the VRC and School of Architecture - trying to preserve born-digital video content created through the school, ingest into UTDR
    • how to integrate archival and new recordings?
  • Book nook - a place to highlight publications by students and faculty and Katie is thinking about a digital component (web design for access portal and the exhibit approach)
  • Audiences - taking general archiving and digital preservation principles and framing them in the context of a specific domain > rolling that back into making a case for preservation
  • CDO Environmental scan is about getting their value statements, how their work is valued by others (this is related to what we are and the scope for the whole project)
    • If we are talking about doing this with faculty - value is especially important because value translates to the yes/no of tenure
  • We could potentially in this group - discuss and compare notes with about cost projections for storage and access
  • important to factor in cost projections for complex digital objects in the environmental scan, or how people are thinking about storage
  • Data management group for architecture - the CDO Environmental Scan might be a lead in from that
