The Library of Congress BagIt spec does not impose any restrictions or requirements for the contents of bag-info.txt
files. Those requirements are instead implemented by institutions themselves. The UTL bag-info specification outlines which metadata fields are required for all bags submitted to tape. See the UTL bag-info specification page for a detailed explanation of each field.
Bagger is a Java-based GUI bagging tool that is useful for creating a single bag at a time. Download the ZIP file here and extract the files somewhere easy to access, such as C:\bagger
. On Windows, run “bagger.bat
” in the “bin
” folder. On Unix, run the “bagger
” file (no extension) in the same folder.
When bagger Bagger opens, click “Create New Bag
”, select the “UTL
” profile from the drop-down menu in the window that appears, and fill out each field marked with a red “R
” (Required). Optionally fill out any fields not marked as required.
You can also use the bag_validator Python script to validate a bag or set of bags. By default, the script will validate all bags in /dps/write_to_tape
, but you can specify a specific bag to be validated with the -i
option followed by a path to a bag, or a list of bags with the -f
option followed by a path to a text file that lists the location of many bags. Adding the -r
option will validate all bags in all subdirectories of a given folder.
Bags created with Bagger can be validated using bag_validator, and bags created with Python or other command-line BagIt tools can be validated using Bagger. Use whichever tool is most convenient for you.