(faculty and staff should Faculty and staff should also refer to HOP 4-1120-PM)
Note: University Policy states that property of the University shall be used only for official business (i.e. in conjunction with assigned studio instruction). Further, that no person (Faculty, Staff, etc.) shall entrust state property to any state official or employee or to anyone else (students) to be used for other than state purposes. |
All faculty and staff must conscientiously observe these regulations. University resources (facilities, equipment, other property, and personnel) shall not be used for personal gain or for other than what is set forth above. Questions regarding these regulations may be directed to Build Lab Staff or the Assisstant Assistant Vice President of Administration for the School of Architecture.
For information and guidance, some examples of unauthorized and improper use of University personnel and property are:
• Use of University facility or equipment for the benefit of a business or company
• Use of a University facility or equipment to make items for sale.
• Use of any University personnel, supplies, or materials for other than official University business;
Build Lab Tools
Build Lab equipment may be checked out from The Build Lab only if such equipment is necessary to carry out assigned classroom or studio projects. In all instances in which equipment is removed, the individual removing it must assume pecuniary responsibility unless he or she is otherwise specifically relieved of such responsibility in writing by Build Lab Staff.
Tools checked out from the Build Lab
Use of University Physical Facilities, Equipment, or Other Resources by Faculty and StaffStudents of the School of Architecture
The University of Texas at AustinApril 1, 1991
Section I. Chapter VII, Part Two, Regents' Rules and Regulations, provides:
University Policy states that Except as otherwise specifically authorized, property of the System University (School of Architecture) shall be used only for official business (i.e. in conjunction with assigned studio instruction). Only library books and other items of similar nature of well-established use may be used for the personal benefit or pleasure of the employees. The chief administrative officer of each component institution shall designate a property manager.
Article 601b, Texas Revised Civil Statutes, Section 8.03(d), and section 92 of Article V, General Appropriations Act, provide:
Further, holds that Nno person (Faculty, Staff, etc.) shall entrust state property to any state official or employee or to anyone else (students) to be used for other than state purposes.
Section 8(e), Article III, General Appropriations Act, provides:
None of the funds appropriated in this Article shall be expanded for payment of salary to any person who directly receives funding from a grant or consulting contract not subject to administration by a state-supported institution of higher education and who may use the resources of the institution in carrying out the provisions of the grant or consulting contract.
All faculty and staff must conscientiously observe these regulations. University resources (facilities, equipment, other property, and personnel) shall not be used for personal gain or for other than official University businesswhat is set forth above. The Property Manager at The University of Texas at Austin is the Associate Vice President and Business Manager. Questions regarding these regulations may be directed to that officeBuild Lab Staff or the Assisstant Vice President of Administration for the School of Architecture.
For information and guidance, some examples of unauthorized and improper use of University personnel and property are:
- Use of University facility or
propertyequipment for the benefit of a business or companyin which the employee has a financial or participating interest; - Use of a University
officefacilityor equipmentor equipment to make items for sale. - Use of a University facility or equipment to perform non-University work for a private concern or for compensation;
, or to perform non-University work for a private concern or for compensation;
- Use of any University personnel, supplies, or materials for other than official University business;
Off-campus Use of Borrowing University Owned Equipment
University equipment may be removed checked out from The University Build Lab only if such equipment is necessary to carry on the official business of The Universityassigned classroom or studio projects. In all instances in which equipment is removed, the individual removing it must assume pecuniary responsibility unless he or she is otherwise specifically relieved of such responsibility in writing by Build Lab Staff.
Personal Computers
With the approval of the departmental chairman or director, personal computers may be checked out by University Employees and removed from the campus for University business. Department logs must be maintained on all personal computers checked out. A log should include the name of the employee to have custody of the equipment, description of the equipment, the inventory number(s), date checked out, date to be returned, the signature of the departmental chairman or director, and the signature of the employee who checks out the equipment. Copies of the logs must be maintained in the department office and be made available for inspection by representatives of the Inventory Division, Office of Business Manager, and the Office of Internal Audits. Employees who sign the check out log acknowledge and agree to comply with the provisions of this policy.
Other Equipment
are subject to the following terms and conditions:
1) Use: The Build Lab loans equipment to Faculty, Staff and Students (Borrowers) of UT Austin’s School of Architecture, only. Borrowers are responsible for the proper use of items they check out. Build Lab staff can instruct you on this if asked.
2) Duration of loan: All equipment must be returned by the date noted on the check-out form and in good working condition. The loan of tools is for 24 hours, maximum. Failure to do so will result in fines and penalties as outlined in section 3, below.
3) Fines and Penalties: Borrowers are responsible for any and all applicable fines associated with borrowing equipment from the Build Lab as outlined below:
a) Fines are assessed for lost or broken equipment returned, based upon the item’s current replacement value, plus late fees as appropriate.
b) Items not returned after 5 days will result in the following fines and penalties:
i) A $20 late fee, plus
ii) Replacement costs for replacement the equipment as outlined above, plus
iii) A bar will be placed on the borrower’s academic record.