Versions Compared


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No player, coach, or spectator shall:

  1. Use foul or derogatory language, threaten, or verbally abuse any other participant or intramural employee before, during, or after the game. This includes trash talk.
  2. Participate in a game they are considered ineligible to participate in. 
  3. Use a fraudulent ID, use an ID that is issued to another individual, or misrepresent self or others
  4. Argue or talk back to the game official.
  5. Intentionally strike, push, or trip another person. Fighting is prohibited.
  6. Mistreat the facility, equipment, or supplies of the University of Texas at Austin.


  1. A warning/ejection system will be used to enforce the sportsmanship policy.
    1. Ejections may be issued without warnings in specific situations, including all those that involve fighting.
    2. Individuals
      1. A warning can be issued for unsporting behavior.
      2. A second warning will result in an ejection.
    3. Teams
      1. Team warnings and unsporting penalties will be enforced on the captain. 
      2. Three unsporting penalties OR two ejections from the same team will result in a team forfeit. 
  2. Any player, coach, or team spectator receiving an ejection must meet with the Intramural Professional Staff before participating in the next Intramural contest.
  3. Team captains are responsible for the conduct of their players, sidelines and spectators.
  4. Fighting is defined as a participant intentionally striking, pushing, slapping, punching, elbowing, tackling or committing any other malicious act toward any other person.
  5. Fighting is never permitted during Intramural contests. Participants who fight will be ejected immediately and suspended from all further participation until the outcome of a disciplinary action meeting with the Intramural Professional Staff.

Sportsmanship Ratings

The rating information serves as a guide for team captains and participants. The IM staff reserves the right to modify ratings based upon individual incidents and/or situations.

  1. Ratings are given to teams after each contest by intramural officials/supervisors. These ratings reflect behavior before, during, and after the contest. Ratings will be:
    1. A = 4 points. Above average conduct and sportsmanship. Players cooperate with officials and team members. The captain calmly converses with officials and has full control of the team.
    2. B = 3 points. Average conduct and sportsmanship. Team members complain about officials and show minor dissension, which may or may not merit a warning. Teams that receive one warning may receive no higher than a “B.”
    3. C = 2 points. Below average conduct and sportsmanship. Team members complain about officials and/or the opposing team, which may or may not merit a warning. The captain exhibits minor control over the team. Teams receiving multiple warnings or one ejection may receive no higher than a “C.”
    4. D = 1 point. Poor conduct and sportsmanship. Team members continuously dispute the officials’ calls or abusively speak to the officials or opposing team. The captain has little control over self or team. Teams receiving three or more warnings or two ejections may receive no higher than a “D.”
    5. F = 0 Points. Unacceptable conduct and sportsmanship. Team members are completely uncooperative. The captain has no control over self or team.
  2. In order for a team to qualify for post-season playoffs, they must have at least a 0 average in sportsmanship during regular season.
  3. Teams may submit an appeal to change their grade to the Intramural Staff before 5pm the next business day following the contest via email at
  4. Any team receiving an "F" rating during the regular season will be declared ineligible for post-season tournament play. These teams have the option of submitting an appeal to the Intramural Staff.
  5. All players participating in a contest resulting in an “F” rating will immediately be suspended from participating in any intramural event until the outcome of a disciplinary action meeting with the Intramural Staff.

Special Contest Situations

  • A team winning by no-show will receive an “A” rating.
  • A team losing by no-show will receive a “NS” rating.
  • For playoffs, teams must receive a "C" or higher rating in order to continue. Other conditions may be posted with the brackets. 

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