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Code Block
titleCalling variants using samtools and bcftools
samtools mpileup -uf $BI/ref_genome/fasta/ucsc/ucsc.hg19.fasta \
  $BI/ngs_course/human_variation/NA12878.chrom20.ILLUMINA.bwa.CEU.exome.20111114.bam \
  | bcftools view -vcg - > test.raw.vcf


or via qsub:

Code Block -n samtools_test -b "samtools mpileup -uf ref/hs37d5.fa NA12878.chrom20.ILLUMINA.bwa.CEU.exome.20111114.bam | bcftools view -vcg - > test.raw.vcf" -t 01:00:00 -q development -a CCBB -m samtools
qsub samtools_test.sge


Note that the reference chosen for mpileup must be exactly the same as the reference used to create the bam file. The 1000 genomes project has created it's own reference and so the command listed above won't work - we have to use the 1000 genomes reference which is $BI/ngs_course/human_variation/ref/hs37d5.fa. We could have chosen another mapper if we'd wanted to though.
