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MegaMapper is comprised of two pipelines developed by the Megason Lab at Harvard University. Two The pipelines are HMFseq and BSFseq.

The following instructions detail how to run MegaMapper on TACC from the command line. This is a DRAFT version. This pipeline has not been fully validated. Some of the scripts have file references hard-coded in the source. The pipeline will be refined as demand dictates.


  1. Create a directory for your run. Let's call our directory Sample, so just run
    Code Block
    mkdir Sample
  2. Run fastExon-mpileup to map reads and generate a VCF file. fastExon splits the data into chunks whose size you determine, runs BWA against the reference, and generates a VCF using SamTools mpileup. Right now the code needs to be edited to specify the reference.
    Code Block
    fastExon-mpileup Sample_R1.fastq Sample_R2.fastq 8000000 3
    The first number after the FASTQ files specifies how many lines should be in each file chunk (for a FASTQ file, it must be a multiple of 4), the second number determines how many subdirectories the file chunks will be grouped in.
  3. Clean up raw SNPs.
    Code Block
    cat Test.snps.vcf | java -jar /work/01863/benni/snpEff_3_1/SnpSift.jar filter "( DP > 2 ) & ( DP < 32 ) & ( QUAL >= 10 ) ! (REF = 'N') ! (ALT = 'N')" > mapping_clean_snps.vcf
    If a memory error is thrown, try loading java64 before running SnpSift and increase the memory size:
    Code Block
    module load java64
    cat Test.snps.vcf | java -Xmx6G -jar /work/01863/benni/snpEff_3_1/SnpSift.jar filter "( DP > 2 ) & ( DP < 32 ) & ( QUAL >= 10 ) ! (REF = 'N') ! (ALT = 'N')" > mapping_clean_snps.vcf
  4. Clean up raw SNPs for mapping.
    Code Block
    cat variants.snps.vcf | java -Xmx6G -jar /work/01863/benni/snpEff_3_1/SnpSift.jar filter "( DP > 5 ) & ( DP < 32 ) & ( QUAL >= 10 ) & (DP4[2] > 0) & (DP4[3] > 0) ! (REF = 'N') ! (ALT = 'N')" > mapping_snps.vcf
  5. Remove VCF header.
    Code Block
    sed '1,27d' mapping_snps.vcf > mapping_snps_headless.vcf
  6. Extract coverage on mapping SNPs.
    Code Block
    python -f mapping_snps_headless.vcf >
  7. Fix formatting error in first column. The HMFseq R script expects the first column to be pure numbers.
    Code Block
    gawk -F=$'\t' 'sub(/variants.*bcf:/, "", $1)' >
  8. Run HMFseq R script.
    Code Block
    Rscript --vanilla /corral-repl/utexas/BioITeam/bin/MegaMapper/HMFseq_Rscript HMFseq_genome_plot.pdf HMFseq_chromosome_scan.pdf "<Run_Name>"
    (Here <Run_Name> is whatever you want to call this run.)