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Code Block
*****Required Options:
BANDWIDTH=#integer# = Size of bandwidth for KDE calculation (default 3)
CONVERSION=#character from#>#character to#
#character from# = Character representing the modified ribonucleotide (default 'T')
#character to# = Character representing what the modified ribonucleotide is read as by rTranscriptase (default 'C')
note: only 1 conversion is possible at this time; in the future we may implement the ability to have 2 modified ribonucleotides
MINIMUM_READ_COUNT_PER_GROUP=#integer# = Minimum number of reads required to call a group (default 10)
MINIMUM_READ_COUNT_PER_CLUSTER=#integer# = Minimum number of reads required to call a cluster (default 1)
MINIMUM_READ_COUNT_FOR_KDE=#integer# = Minimum read depth at a location to make a KDE estimate (default 1) => (recommended: 5)
MINIMUM_CLUSTER_SIZE=#integer# = Minimum length required for a cluster to be reported (default 1)
MINIMUM_CONVERSION_LOCATIONS_FOR_CLUSTER=#integer# = Minimum number of separate locations to have a reported conversion for a cluster to be reported (default 1) => (recommended: 2)
note: setting this to 0 will cause errors, if you are looking for sites that may have no conversions, I recommended analyzing the 'groups' output file (see below)
MINIMUM_CONVERSION_COUNT_FOR_CLUSTER=#integer# = Minimum number of conversion events within a region to report a cluster (default 1)
note: setting this to 0 will cause errors, if you are looking for sites that may have no conversions, I recommended analyzing the 'groups' output file (see below)

MINIMUM_READ_COUNT_FOR_CLUSTER_INCLUSION=#integer# = Minimum read depth for a location to be included within a cluster (default 1)

MINIMUM_READ_LENGTH=#integer# = Minimum length of mapped read to be included in the analysis (default 1)

MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_NON_CONVERSION_MISMATCHES=#integer# = Maximum number of non-conversion mismatches of a mapped read to be included in the analysis (default 5)

BOWTIE_FILE=#filepath/filename# = Location and name of a bowtie output file to be analyzed
note: there can be multiple BOWTIE alignment files used as input, just create a new line with a new 'BOWTIE_FILE=' parameter

GENOME_2BIT_FILE=#filepath/filename# = Location of the UCSC .2bit file of the genome against which the reads were aligned

OUTPUT_CLUSTERS_FILE=#filepath/filename# = Location and name of the resulting clusters file
