Summer orientation is handled differently than other events during the summer. Per a March 2015 email with the New Student Services office, the timeframe outlined to plan orientation events is as follows (\\austin.utexas.edu\disk\reg\Registrar\. The timeframe can be found on the shared Registrar drive under: (Course Scheduling\Special Agreements\DoS Orientation\20156\New Summer Orientation Scheduling Model ReCap.msg):.
Year preceding orientation
- GPC lists
- Index of final exams
- Final Exam Capacity Chart
- Map
- FOS Abbreviations/Scheduling Preference Chart
- Office Organizational Chart
- [Internal Training Document
Room Scheduling
Training and How To's\\Internal
An Overall Room Scheduling Training.docx]Denise will provide a calendar and a phone list that will include new hire
- AM is spent in HR New Hire Orientation
- Tour office
- Explain handouts and review academic calendar
- Set up Outlook: Scheduling inbox, email signature, add staff calendars
- Check access to Mainframe, RSS, Canvas, UTLists, Adobe Acrobat (if not installed contact IT)
- Set up Green output
- Add email to contacts on printer
- New hire can work on HR compliance modules
- Once new hire is reflected in the Directory, the new hire can go to http://www.utexas.edu/hr/current/eis.html to log into the 'Employee Information System' where they can restrict any information such as personal phone number and home address that they do not wish to be public information in the Directory. The email address should also be updated to reflect their work email address.
This How-To goes over importing the All Sections text file into an Excel spreadsheet that is formatted for easy accessibility to data.
- If you have a newer excel version, you must enable legacy mode to accomplish Importing All Sections. Please see the addendum at the bottom of this documentation to see how this is done.
- Scroll to the bottom of the Excel sheet and delete the bottom 5 rows. These rows contain data that is not necessary for this report.
- Next add a filter. To do this, select the first row by clicking the '1' by the first column. This will highlight the whole first row. Now click the 'Filter' button found under the 'data' tab.