Run and review reports one day prior to and in preparation for:
- NRJGCRM-fix discrepant XLs \\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\6.SIS projects\Batch Scheduling\Syncing Discrepant Relationships.docx Select 'Yes' for updates. Output: NRNWCRMWNRJGCK Orphaned Crosslisting Sweep- Wait for NRJGCRM to complete before running reports(if needed. Autosubmit runs daily)
- NRJGCRSW-Sync Standard statements & Differing Standard Statement for Same-As - \\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\6.SIS projects\Batch Scheduling\Syncing Standard Statements.docx Select 'No' for all fields
- Check for Differing Standard Statement for Same-As Course Relations via All Sections
Non-critical data Integrity sweeps automatically run for other things such as room caps, instructor names, etc through the 20th class date. If after 20th class date, run LDPE manually:
\\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\6.SIS projects\Batch Scheduling\Semester specific Autosubmit (for SIS)
Check that NRJG291S/NRNW291S auto submit update switch is set to 'Y' for ONLY 'Reset room capacity' once CSU opens and OCS is published. Check that this auto submit job ENDS after 20th class day.
- Task Manager
- Click on 'Scheduling' in left navbar
- Dept: NR Task Name: NRJG291(2/6/9/S, based on CCYYS) Version: P Type: Autosubmit, Click 'View/Update/Delete'
- Expiration Date (MM-DD-YYYY): should be set to expire Sunday immediately following 20th class day (10th class day in summer)
Census day ONLY
- Run discrepancy (NRNW029E) to check for invalid courses after inventory is applied.
Syncing Std Statements and Relationships also referenced on:
\\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\6.SIS projects\Batch Scheduling\2-6-9 Discrepancy List.docx
\\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\6.SIS projects\Batch Scheduling\2-6-9 Prep Critical Date.docx