- use 'E2' to find most recent like semester. Write down dates for CHAIR, DEAN, SCHED
- If phase ends on a Friday, use end date for dept users of the Sunday following.
- SCHED is different
- NOTE! CM charts rooms beginning in CP phase based upon SCHED entry in this table. SCHED Orig should end the last day of HAL Prep, so rooms are not charted in CM. CP should start the same day of HAL's 1st run so rooms WILL chart.
- BEGIN DATE 3 (SCHED entry only): this is the Flag feed cutoff trigger date as well as the Flag Ripple (NRJGFLG) begin trigger date. These jobs run at 12:01 AM The morning of cutoff). UGS want final reseq to be done by then, but ok if not-instruct them to use CSNs to track changes.
- The flag feed cut-off date coincides with the week we begin checking Advance Copy, about two weeks prior to live publication.
- Spring Semesters – Wed 3rd week of/mid- September
- Summer Semesters – Friday last week of February
- Fall Semesters – 3rd Sunday in March
For more info, see: \\austin.utexas.edu\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\6.SIS projects\Batch Scheduling\2-6-9 UGSFlagFeed.docx UGS Flag Feed
- use 'E1' to find highest record number/'Key' (1st field in each table entry). Write it down
- Enter 'A' by 1st table entry to add an entry
- Enter next sequential key, info, and dates based on previous like semester and color-coded calendar for upcoming semester for CHAIR. Hit 'Enter' to save. (Leave session blank ALWAYS for CLASS-MGR entries)
- Repeat above step for DEAN and SCHED.
- BEGIN-DATE-1 & END-DATE-1: Original phase begin & end dates. Never end on a Friday-use Sunday instead.
- BEGIN-DATE-2 & END-DATE-2: Chair Proof phase begin & end dates. Never end on a Friday-use Sunday instead.
- BEGIN-DATE-3 (SCHED entry ONLY): UGS Flag feed cutoff date/Flag Ripple Begin date (aftermid)